MovieChat Forums > Cleanskin (2012) Discussion > [Spoiler] Tracer on Semtex

[Spoiler] Tracer on Semtex

If those bombings were Charlotte's plan, why did she give Ewan the right address of tracer (or even the info of kick-starting of tracer) and risk the suicide bombers getting caught or killed?


Classic spy type stuff

First of all im pretty sure the bombings aren't her plan, they are the clerics, she gets wind of them, sees the possibilitiex and assists him for her own gain, maybe personally maybe through others.

She also has to make it look like (to James fox) that she is attempting to stop them with some success but not complete success. So she plays both sides, she looks like she's doing all she can forJames fox but at the same time still concealing the full bombing plan from him but also in cahoots with the forces pulling the strings who want to take power.


But Ash was at that address when Ewan went there so Ash could be easily killed and ruin the whole plan. By the way when she knew the time and location of last bombing and ordered Mark to kill Ewan before that you can say the bombing was kinda her plan too.


It dont think it matters to her whether ash was there or not, she has to be seen to be doing the good work, as long as the current government looks weak and powerless that's the key, terrorist running around london makes a government look weak, I wouldn't be surprised if the cleric dude had others ready to go to the hotel in the end if ash was killed.

She knew the time and location probably because that is where that cleric dude wanted it to happen she simply improvised on what was put in front of her. You could say it was her plan but I think she just assists the plan for her own interests.
