MovieChat Forums > One for the Money (2012) Discussion > movie and ACTORS review by HUGE book fan...

movie and ACTORS review by HUGE book fan

Warning: this post is MASSIVE lol. i kind of got carried away -__-

First off, I want to say I've read every single book in this series, even the holiday ones, and I am a HUGE HUGE RAVING fan of this series. I just saw the movie, and I have to say, it wasn't that bad. I went in hopeful, but pessimistic, and came out laughing. Granted, sometimes I was the only one laughing because I may have been one of the only people in the audience to have read the books, but it was a cute movie.

Katherine Heigl: Did a pretty good job as Stephanie, a little better than I expected. I've only seen her in 27 dresses and Knocked Up, where she played 2 very similar charecters, but this movie was different. she was very reminiscent of Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality, in her sense of humor (self depreciating) and some her mannerisms. Her relationships with both Ranger and Joe were pretty good, and the scenes where they talked about her jumping the curb when she broke Morelli's leg in high school were hilarious. that accent though... don't worry, you stop noticing it after a while.

Jason O'Mara: I WAS SO SURPRISED. i've been watching this guy in Terra Nova, and while he's not heinous, i was SO not able to picture him as fun loving, womanizing, joe morelli. well he pulled it off. it was fantastic. sometimes they would do a closeup of him and i'd come out of it a little only because he looks so little like the morelli described in the books. surprisingly though, he manages to ooze the same confident sex appeal as morelli. when i first saw his picture, i was like... jason omara? not hot. by the end of the movie.... well, theres a scene where he brings stephanie coffee in bed. without a shirt. its fantastic.

daniel sunjata: he's cuteish, and he's technically kinda built. he's no ranger though. it's like... in the movie, ranger just seems really experienced and kind of dangerous. there was nothing about him that screamed "MYSTERIOUS MAN!" though. it was a bit like he was a mentor, but not that he was the superdangerous super mysterious ranger we got in the books. but acting wise, sunjata was great. his interpretation of ranger's charecter was likeable and badassish. and he ate grapefruit. fanbloodytastic.

sherri shepard: i thought she was great as lula. she had the spunk, the small amount of vulnerabilty, and the comedic timing. it was great, and i hope they make sequels so we can see her and steph kicking ass and taking names (but not really kicking ass at all lol)

Mr. and Mrs. Plum: they looked absolutley NOTHING like i imagined them in the books, but they were hilarious. haha something that threw me though was that both of them looked nothing like katherine heigl. they were both good in their parts though.

grandma mazur: she had the spunky attitude of g.mazur down pretty well. she just really doesn't look that old. at one point, mr. plum is like "she needs to be put in a home", and i'm like... she's 65 at the latest. but if they plan on making sequels, this is probably a good thing. (and why they didn't get betty white like a lot of people apparently wanted)

connie risolli: she grew on me. although in the trailer it doesn't look like her boobs are big enough (-__-), trust me, they are. and she's cute and funny.

vinnie plum: FANBLOODYTASTIC. when he was introduced, i was prepared for the skeevyness, but a group of people behind me literally gasped and said "eewwwwww!" (they had the same reaction for bernie kuntz). let me tell you, patrick fischler OOZED skeevyness. he was so greasy i wanted to wipe the screen. one of my FAV parts of the movie.

benito ramirez: great casting. he's big, he's scary looking, and he's a wrestler in real life. the scenes stephanie plum had with him, she seemed legitimitly intimidated. any sane person would be. and they were smart in that they didn't just make him this big bad troll thing, he actually seemed a bit intelligent, in a sadistic way. *shiver*

jimmy alpha: fantastic, i loved him. he seemed like he came straight out of the book. pretty much the EXACT same. great job with the casting and the acting there.

mary lou: i loved it when her and steph had scenes together. they really did seem like best friends, and mary lou was perfect as a somewhat frazzled yet competent mother. i'm glad they didn't try to glam her up, or worse, try to make her seem like a messy sloppy housewife friend.

eddie gazarra: i thought this guy was good. this may seem odd, but i've always had a tiny little crush on gazarra, he just seems like a good guy. nate mooney (his actor) isnt the most attractive man in the world, but he has a friendly, dependable, likeable attitude that shone through in this role. you could really see that he and steph were good friends, that he cared about her, and that he wasn't just some incompetent cop. and they kept some of his best lines, YAY!

john cho: EHMAHGAWD I FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM. he was just adorable. really well acted, and the relationship he had with stephanie really impacted her in a way that i thought katherine heigl did a great job portraying. he was one of the really cute and funny moments of the movie.

bernie kuntz: ew ew ew ew ewwww he was just slimy. great acting though, and really HILARIOUS. he had some great lines from the book too.

jackie (lula's prostitute friend): she was hilarious, and a nice partner to lula. they had some good scenes together.

As for the movie, i LOVED the way they decided to have stephanie plum narrate as it went along. it was a great way to keep some of the best lines from the book, which steph said in her head. i loved the filming style, it was simple and traditional, and kind of seemed like a throwback to the fact that the series started in the 90's. without all the extra film stuff, we were able to focus on the story and the acting, both of which were great.

I also loved the way that even though they bumped the date up to 2011, each charecter still kept the same fashion sense somewhat as they did in the 1994 book. Like, in the book, Steph is described as wearing Levi's and t-shirts with leather belts and boots. While she wasn't wearing the EXACT same thing (thank god), the comfortable yet attractive fashion sense that steph has was still there in the movie. it's kind of a random thing to notice, i know.

i haven't read One for the Money in 2 or 3 years, but from what I remember, this was a pretty excellent interpretation of the movie. i know a lot of people were worried about it, saying they wouldn't pay money to see it, (i was SUPER worried myself), but katherine heigl and janet evanovich did a great job. soooo, based on that, in my own personal opinion, i recommend this movie to any and all fans.

movie rating:
just as a movie: 8.5 out of 10
when judging it as a MAJOR book fan: 7 to 7.8 out of 10

ps. i'm an acting student, which may explain the practically obsessive way i picked apart the actors. :)


You're nuts.


so... that's a bad thing then?


I COMPLETELY AGREE! It's like you took my opinion! You opinion-thief! Ha.

I actually loved this movie. I went into it with the lowest expectations, yet I was thankfully very surprised.

The thing I was worried most about was casting. Was not a fan of Heigl at all and O'mara didn't look anything like what I pictured Morelli to be. However, both of them did excellent in this film! Also, loved the skeevy Vinny. Perfection!

Like you, my only real complaint was Grandma Mazur. When I read the books I pictured someone much much older. She barely looked older than Mrs Plum!

I hope that enough people see this movie so they can do a sequel, would love to see it. I don't see why everyone is hating on it!

I'm as moist as a snack cake down there!


This movie should NOT be compared to any other movie.

I am a huge fan of Janet Evanovich (author of the Stephanie Plum series)and read the books in order. I am from New Jersey (location of the series) and enjoy the humor in the books. I laugh out loud while reading and while some of that humor didn't translate well to the big screen, I still enjoyed it.

A few characters were mis-cast but I can overlook that. I think "Ranger" was the worst.

I did enjoy the movie and would like to see the series continue on the big screen.

Like I said, just my opinion.

Always & Forever


Thank you!

I'm still pissed that the critics had the gall to compare this to The Bounty Hunter. I saw that movie and the plot is no where near the same.

I voted for Frenchie and Dia like a sex donkey on Xanax.



I would like to point out that Debbie Reynolds is turning 80 this year....She cant help it she doesnt look it. (Shes looked that same for the past 20-30 years.... lol)


I would like to point out that Debbie Reynolds is turning 80 this year....She cant help it she doesnt look it. (Shes looked that same for the past 20-30 years.... lol)

REALLY?!!? i don't know why i didn't bother to look it up, i honestly just assumed she was in her early 60's. good for her then!

"review by HUGE book fan"'re obese? Are just really huge, like Shaquille O'Neal?
i tower several feet above Shaq. and he learned everything he knows from me too.

AND. people compare this to the bounty hunter??! what?!!? WHY?!?! just because it's about a bounty hunter? is dog the bounty hunter a ripoff of "The Bounty Hunter" as well? These movies have so little in common other than the bounty hunter aspect it's almost insulting.


AND. people compare this to the bounty hunter??! what?!!? WHY?!?! just because it's about a bounty hunter? is dog the bounty hunter a ripoff of "The Bounty Hunter" as well? These movies have so little in common other than the bounty hunter aspect it's almost insulting.

Lol okay...I havent seen the movie nor am I too familiar with the books...but when I saw the trailer I thought "wow...a rip off from the Bounty Hunter...a guy with a bit of an accent who kinda looks like Butler, and one trying to bring the other one in...they had a past relationship"...If I hadn't come on IMDB, and read all the reviews about it being based on books I kinda knew..I wouldn't have even considered watching it.

But now I assume it wont be based on the Bounty Hunter and I will def. give it a chance! :)


I agree with your assessments! I'm also a huge fan of the books, and I was hesitant to see the movie, but I don't see where all the negativity is coming from. It was an enjoyable comedy, about what I was expecting and not nearly as hideous as the reviews make it seem. I agree that Ranger wasn't as tough or mysterious as he is in the books, but the actor did fine with the character. I hope all the fans of the book will go to see the movie. You'll be plesantly surprised!


I went into the movie with a determination to keep an open mind and I was pleasantly surprised. If I were grading it I would give it a solid B. I think Katherine Heigl nailed it as Stephanie and the other actors surprised me as well. I would give them a definite thumbs up. I wish it had been longer than 91 minutes. I wish Grandma had made at least one visit to the funeral home. But the problem with any beloved book that's made into a movie is that they can't film the whole book. I listened to One for the Money on audio book, which was about 8 hours long, so parts of it had to be left out or combined or changed to keep the story and flavor of the novel.

While I respect anyone's right to dislike the movie or criticize it, I feel bad about all the negative comments and remarks that were madej, particularly by Evanovich fans about the film before it even opened. From the beginning so many fans were upset about the casting, they made up their minds in advance that it was crap. They wanted Sandra Bullock for Stephanie. Well Sandra would have made a great Stephanie ... 15 years ago. But now she's closer to 50 than 40 and Stephanie is 30. That isn't Katherine Heigl's fault. And then Ranger ... well everyone seemed to want the Rock. He would have been great, but the movie budget probably couldn't have afforded him at this point. He stars in movies now. While in One for the Money he's a supporting player. Daniel Sunjata, I thought, did a great job, because in this first book of the series, the relationship beteen Ranger and Stephanie doesn't really develop.

I hope the bad press and comments from the blogs don't keep people from seeing the movie and making up their own minds. Sadly if people stay away no more Plum books will make it to the screen and we'll never get a chance to see characters like Sally Sweet, Sugar, Randy Briggs, Albert Kloughen, Valerie and the Mooner come to life. Give it a chance. If you haven't seen the film, don't let someone else's opinion of it keep you away. Go and make up your own mind.


Seriously, do you not know DEBBIE REYNOLD's name?!?!?!?!?


^ i don't get the significance of that statement... is it cause we didn't know she was old lol?
