MovieChat Forums > Contagion (2011) Discussion > touch your face 2000-3000 times per day?

touch your face 2000-3000 times per day?

unless you have OCD or on meth there's no way you touch your face that much



actual Kate Winselt's character said that that much touching occurs during non sleep hours so it doesn't include while you sleep.


It's true. I touched my face 400 times just while typing this sentence. - just throwing it out there



that made me laugh :D


Watch Sam Worthington during an interview. It is possible...

If the idea is to stay alive, I'm driving.


hilarious, thank you!

Open the pod doors, HAL.


I counted over 50 touches to the face/head in a five minutes period, that's 10 per minute, over 10000 a day.


I've got both hands on my face and are typing with my nose.

1,000,000 touches a day here


:) LOL


I've touched my face 5 times whilst reading this thread in 30-60 seconds. It's an unconscious habit that we all have.

2000-3000 is probably a rough estimate as it's hard to accurately state how many times a person will touch their face; we'll all have different numbers.

Just touched my face again.... grrr!!


If it's unconscious how do you know you touched your face, and how did you keep count?

I agree, the number sounds a bit high, maybe close to a thousand, two or three seems a bit ridiculous though.


Unconscious. I do not think that word means what you think it means. I'm assuming you guys also confuse ignorant with arrogant...


I'm assuming you'd be a lot of fun to hang out with...


I'm assume in my subconscious that I'm not unconscious. ZING!


wow, you actually just zinged your own comment..

Is that.. Is that the saddest thing I've ever seen...? Yes I think it is.


Talking to one's self on a message board is the saddest thing I've ever seen.

--- This is how you will recognize me ---


oh no no no, you're mistaken, I was telling YOU that YOU'RE the saddest thing alive.



You're both losers, just deal with it and move on.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


Sounds unlikely, but that's only 2-3 times a minute, if my math is correct, so certainly plausible, considering some minutes you might touch your face far more often than that (while others less).

YAAAAAY! Now you go, lady!


I didn't realize it before, but after watching this movie it kind of brought it to my attention. I touch my face alot throughout the day. I can't believe how much I touch my face..and now after watching this it made me more aware of it so sometimes I will remember and stop touching my face.


ever since i was a boy i always liked women to touch my face cheeks chin and i had no problems. Kate's Character must have been a little worried there was some bad germs or bad bacteria on the skin. So what you touch your face or another person does no problem even doctors or a mom touch a person's face (The chin) to turn the head away because small children hate needles even adults have there face touched.


Bond James Bond


Some diseases can transfer from skin, so it can be a problem. A doctor washes hands a lot, so you won't get bacteria from them on you. After you leave, they'll likely wash their hands again before seeing the next patient.


What I found interesting is that during that scene not a single character touches their face.

Clearly Dr. Mears' wisdom was not a major loss to the medical community.


I was actually touching my face when she said that in the movie, gave me a chuckle :)

I don't know about other people, but I really touch my face and all exposed parts of my body a lot. Probably not 2000 or 3000 times per day, but I never tried to count, wouldn't know for sure. For the record, I'm not on meth, never have been, about OCD - hmm, never been tested, so can't tell :)

Only pyssies engage in discussions with d1cks, if I didn't reply you're a dick


Sometimes I pour myself a nice glass of wine, light some candles, and touch the *beep* out of my face. I'll touch it all night long baby.



"Blogging is not writing. It's just graffiti with punctuation."



That was one of the funniest things I've heard or read in awhile. Thanks for the chuckle.



´¨*¨)) -:¦:-
¸.•´ .•´¨*¨))
((¸¸.•´ .•´ -:¦:-
-:¦:-Oooh, sparkly!


say you're awake for 12hrs a day
2000/12 = 166.66 (166 for ease)
60 mins to an hours
166/60 = 2.66

whether i scratch my nose, bite my thumb, brush my hair out of my forehead, rub my chin in a menacing manner... my average is probably much higher than 2.66 times a minute.

I think it's a joke


you'd touch your face in sleep too.
