MovieChat Forums > Worried About the Boy (2010) Discussion > 'original' soundtrack aired and licence ...

'original' soundtrack aired and licence issue

I have ordered DVD and it is coming this week. I am looking forward to it, but not 100% happy to know that the soundtracks are not the same as the ones when it was originally aired. According to amazon's reviews, quite a lot of them found disappointing even if they like original TV movies.

This is not the first time, I often hear that music changes upon DVD release.

Could anybody kindly explain me what is all about, this licensing issue and the broadcasting on TV? What is the logic behind?

This film may come to my country on air someday.

When it is on TV in my country, will I possibly see the very original movie, or DVD version with 'modified' music?

Why the license does not bother the movie on TV but the other media such as DVD?

Living in the Fareast, this is frustrating. I would like to know what is behind.

Thanks in advance.


I am sure you got the DVD now. I have only watched it online, have the physical DVD, but my DVD player isn't region free. I have to order one, since no hacks exist for my player.
I think it is odd they could play the movie on telly with some music and then not be allowed to use the same music in the DVD. Maybe because it isn't "live" ?
After reading that the music score is different, I'm in no rush to buy a region free dvd player.
