MovieChat Forums > Worried About the Boy (2010) Discussion > It doesnt seem like he was attracted to ...

It doesnt seem like he was attracted to GAYmen

Havent read Boy George's book yet, Im just basing this on the three 'romances' they show of his in this movie. George seemed to end up with straight men who would experiment with him and bend the rules, probably telling themselves it didnt make them 'gay' because George was so feminen.

Now truthfully, the men he got involved with were wrong to lie to themselves about any tendencies they have, to toy wth Georges feelings, and to get mad when George would face them with the truth.

But HE was wrong too, in a way, always seeming to be attracted to STRAIGHT men. I wonder why this was. Could it have been he wanted a manly man who treated him like a real woman? Or was it a rush to be able to turn straight men gay? Or both???

I really hope after his relationship with Jon ended he started looking for GAY men to get n relationships with, because clearly the straight he-man thing wasnt working out too well for him.

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Seemed like he went out of his way to make life harder for himself. I like girls so I go after girls who like guys, keeps it simple.


I understand the points you make, but would just like to add that the men he had relationships with in this period were not "straight". Not really. They were bisexual. It was an interesting era because for the first time gay exhibitionists like George and Marilyn weren't afraid to hide themselves away, and I imagine supposedly "straight" men like Kirk Brandon and the guy in the phone box really believed themselves to be straight because they'd never been exposed to that kind of person before, i.e. a flamboyant, heavily made-up gay man who looked more like a woman than a fella.

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In the movie, there is a scene where this topic is discussed. Someone mentions that gay men are not interested in Boy George. Something about him embracing too much of his feminine traits which gay men were not interested in. Instead, curious "straight" guys expressed interest in George, so he went along with those who expressed interest in him.

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