Domestic Violence?

I know biopics tend to exaggerate certain things yet does anyone know if it was true that George and Jon were violent with one another? I had heard that George was often jealous of Jon around women. Furthermore, I remember reading in an interview that he almost never took of his makeup around Jon and kept his hair ultra long to 'look as much like a girl as possible'.

But I don't remember ever hearing that they would actually brawl. The scene in which George (in full makeup) and Jon were in a fistfight was at once humorous and sad. SMDH.


There is one scene where we see George and Jon fight and it cuts to them lying in bed with George's leg bruised and pans up to both of their faces, which are bruised as well. One the DVD extra, there is one behind-the-scenes shot of George on the set, so he was involved with this movie. I assumed he had seen the script and had given feedback as to the accuracy of what was filmed.

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