RIP ears.

Just got to love this kind of movie where it's almost complete silence then followed by instant high sound. Seriously... that's low and not healthy for someones hearing. I think I heard the bells ring twice during this movie. Thanks for that.


+1. The awful high pitched banshee wail of the W.I.B is excruciating. Not only to the ears but to the suspension of disbelief. She's a ghosty, not a Demon. The whole film is a bit of a mess. Why oh why do film companies have to rewrite good stories and balls them up.


Agreed. Unfortunately, that is how most horror movies act these days. Jolting and shocking the audience is used in lieu of genuinely putting them in a terrified and utterly creeped out state of mind. I think alot of the shocks (especially the ones where the woman in black appears) would have been much better with a really creepy soundtrack than one that involves 10 violinists hitting the same sudden note at the same time. Think about how much more effective the soundtrack of the Shining was.


yeah you could have a my little pony jump out with a smile and you will still jump. Just cheap scare after cheap scare.
