Preview for the sequel

House. My room. Cant walk. My medal. My father. Father, dont!


I was skeptical at first when I heard about this because not every movie needs a sequel. Some movies are just fine on their own and don't need a franchise, but this looks like it might actually be good. I'll give it a chance.

I also liked the use of "O Willow Waly" as an homage to The Innocents. However, it will annoy me when people who've never seen a black and white movie in their lives will watch and say "OMG that song is SO creepy!" They'll refer to it as "that song from Woman in Black 2" and the reference to The Innocents will go completely over their heads. Sorry if that sounds snobbish but it will annoy me.


This is the first I have heard about this. Thanks for the info.

Not sure about it though.

Here All One Needs Is A Pair Of Fangs
Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are
-Lestat de Lioncourt
