Yay jump scares -.-

This movie had a very nice cinematography and editing. However the jump scare tactic combined with cheap artificially scary sound design was horrible. For this reason I could only give it a 6/10. If it were not for the cheap scares and some things that didn´t make sense, this movie could have easily gotten a 7/10 or even 8/10.

Movies are reflections of time, places and people.


I watched the film after seeing the stage show currently touring the UK (is also in residence at the fortune theatre london) and was dissapointed. If you want to see the story told well with genuine tension and heart go see the theatre show. Don't expect a star packed cast (there's only two men) or huge effects though!


Interesting, I didn´t know there was a stage show based on this. I live in Berlin, so I doubt they show it here and if so, I wouldn´t want to see it in german anyway. But thanks for the info :)

Movies are reflections of time, places and people.


Was really hoping this was more atmospheric horror than jump scares.


Me too. It got close enough that I was willing to buy it and watch it again, but it could have been so much better.


I gave it a 5/10 because of this same reason. Shame, because production-wise it's a well made film & has some hauntingly creepy elements. Jump scares are annoying as all *beep* & I wish scary movies would be more creative than pulling this cheap-ass tactic off. It's the equivalent of toilet gross-out humor in comedies.
