MovieChat Forums > Hellcats (2010) Discussion > No racism in snowy ol' Memphis, no sir!

No racism in snowy ol' Memphis, no sir!

Not only are they giving the deep south Vancouver's weather, they're also giving it what (I suppose) are Vancouver's racial attitudes. It amuses me that there's all this interracial dating and nobody, of any age, class or educational background, bats an eye over it. That ain't the south I grew up in, sugar, and it damn sure isn't the white Tennessee electorate that would vote for a boiled mackerel before they'd give their electoral votes to Barack Hussein Obama, the mad socialist from Kenya.

The Republican Plan: repeal all reform; collect payoffs; go yachting (but not in the Gulf).


uh oh you said racism on the hellcats board...people are going to go crazy on you


Um... Yeah. Did you not see all the snow and cold weather that the 'deep south' just got? If ya'll are still upset over blacks and whites having sex and making babies, then I feel sorry for you. It's a college campus, which is much more liberal than the town its self. The south you grew up in, hopefully, has grown up its self.


In some ways it has. Not in all. Have you not noticed the voting patterns? It's no accident that anti-Obama propaganda has taken on such a racist tinge since the Solid South became solidly Republican, or that Civil War revisionists are circulating myths that the Civil War was fought over tariffs, and that hundreds of blacks fought for the Confederacy, and that these lies are even showing up in school textbooks.

Obviously a college campus like Lancer will be a more liberal place, but a semi-educated white woman of Wanda's generation probably would bat an eye over Lewis, and I'm not too sure about the liberal attitudes of the folks over at Memphis Christian. Last I heard, Bob Jones University, though it admitted blacks, forbade interracial dating.

We've seen something of "the town itself" too, and apparently it's just as enlightened as the school. Tennessee is where Bob Corker beat the black candidate Harold Ford Jr. with a transparently racist ad where a white woman oohs about meeting him at the Playboy Mansion, and tells him to call her, and a radio ad in which patriotic music was played when Corker's name was mentioned and "jungle drums" were played under Ford's. That was only five years ago.

If you really believe no racists would ever wander through the Eden of these characters, you're living on the Good Ship Lollipop. I know the south very well. I have tons of family there, and I return regularly, plus I follow the news. I know southerners nowadays like to claim the region is racism-free, but it isn't, and I'm not going to let my family or anybody else get away with saying it is. Not while the Governor of Mississippi is defending the White Citizens Councils.

Southerners deserve some credit, but not nearly as much as they like to give themselves. I am one, and I get to say so.

The Republican Plan: repeal all reform; collect payoffs; go yachting (but not in the Gulf).


Maybe the show's trying to lead by example.

The best type of book is one that you mourn when you've finished it.


Well, that's the eternal argument, isn't it? Should art show us life as it is, or as it ought to be? I think it should show us whatever it wants to, but that doesn't mean we can't jeer at it occasionally. Tennessee really does have a three strikes law. I guess they could have showed us a Tennessee without one. Every realistic or factual thing they do puts the unrealistic and unfactual things in a stronger light.

The Republican Plan: repeal all reform; collect payoffs; go yachting (but not in the Gulf).


Sadly, I agree that it is not very realistic to see this in the South. I'm from a small town in Alabama and the elementary school and highschool I went to didn't even have one black student. Therefor, I think that has a little to do with it as well. If you aren't around any black people, it would be hard to date one. I did have a friend that dated a black guy. The guy was from another school and there were a couple of other girls from my school that dated black guys. A lot of people looked down on them for it, which I think is ridiculous. I have a friend that moved to Texas and she married a black guy and has kids with him, she said it is way more common there. Anyway, like I said several girls from my highschool dated black guys, but I don't remember any white guys dating black girls. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen here, but I have not personally witnessed it. You would think now that we are in the year 2011 that this wouldn't be still be taboo, but sadly it is. However, this is a TV show and an awesome one at that, so while it isn't that realistic to see in some of the southern states, who cares?


For christssake Duc, you are a self admitted, unemployed gay man, in his mid 50s, living in NY, do NOT even try to be the authority on youth or culture in Tn today.

You have spent 10 years cyber stalking Gale Harold and that is what you do best, leave it there.


@antigone78 LOL. Thank-you. This is a TV show, at some point you have to stop with your opinions and either watch the show or change the channel.


This is a TV show, at some point you have to stop with your opinions and either watch the show or change the channel.
At what point, exactly, would I be compelled to do one of those things? As a matter of fact, I never have to stop having opinions, and I get to watch and have opinions at the same time. Those opinions don't all have to be in the form of rapturous admiration, either.

Nor do I choose to watch only shows of which I entirely approve. If you yourself want to bite your tongue or change the channel whenever you notice an absurdity in a TV show, be my guest.

The Republican Plan: repeal all reform; collect payoffs; go yachting (but not in the Gulf).


@ ducdebrabant

Are you sad that there is no racism in the show?, because according to you the black and white people get along well together but you still aren't happy.

Sisko: "Major, shut that thing off! Commander Worf, prepare to launch Torpedoes!"


I don't know where you get the idea I'm unhappy. I'm happy as a clam. Kumbyah.

I can't understand people who can only enjoy a TV show if they close their eyes to anything peculiar or illogical about it. What's the point of watching TV if you have to make yourself stupid to to do it? How about watching it for what you like about it (um, cough, Gale Harold) and still making note of what you notice doesn't work?

Nor do I understand people who can't enjoy a show unless everybody else pretends not to notice anything silly about it. If you don't see anything unrealistic on HC, fine with me. If I do, and that isn't fine with you, tough.

The Republican Plan: repeal all reform; collect payoffs; go yachting (but not in the Gulf).
