Rudeness this week

Was it just me or was everyone really rude and brash this week?


That's he's an unprofessional disrespectful slob with open shirt collars and 3 day stubble. Season 4 episode 1.....Unwritten Rules. Here he is after a funeral for a fellow cop at the family tables, in his Class A uniform looking like an unshaven wrench monkey . And not a 1st class detective. It pisses me off more that the PC doesn't reprimand him or call him out.


That's he's an unprofessional disrespectful slob with open shirt collars and 3 day stubble. Season 4 episode 1.....Unwritten Rules. Here he is after a funeral for a fellow cop at the family tables, in his Class A uniform looking like an unshaven wrench monkey . And not a 1st class detective. It pisses me off more that the PC doesn't reprimand him or call him out.

Best post I've read all week!   

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


If you looked at him during the funeral, his collar was buttoned up and tie knot in place. But, I agree, he is totally unprofessional. And a slob.

Beyond his slob appearance, he lies, bullies and bends the rules to suit his own personal ego. Mr. Hot Shot knows no boundaries. Not to mention his "tune ups". If I had done even 1/16th of what this idiot has done, I would have been fired.

This detective has more chase scenes, than 100 other cops combined. They get soooo boring. Sliding over the hood of cars? Puhleeeze. In my 10 years as a detective, I can't recall one time I went flying over cars. Nor did I call out a perp's name half a block away. Danny is one of the worst examples of detectives today.


Yea...and that reminds me of a scene in the Big Chill with the classmate who became a famous actor in a cop series like Danny in BB's. I think it was Tom Berenger who played this TV cop ( Sam ) who in his scenes would make a running jump into his open convertible "cop car"...when asked by his college roommates to demonstrate that feat using William Hurts Porsche ...he reluctantly gave it a he backs up....runs to the car...hops in and gets his nuts crushed on the steering wheel in the process and embarrasses the hell out of himself. I wonder what the take outs like that are in Blue Bloods?

The mind, like a pool of water...Reflects best when still and undisturbed.


Hehehe...that would be hilarious. Especially since Danny thinks he is so great. Too bad Berenger isn't younger. He would have made a good Danny. I always liked his films.


Donnie wahlberg "THINKS" he can act. And he tries to look like the detectives of the "80"'S where their look was being all disheveled and having a 3 day growth. Patrol will get a tip for not wearing their cover. And if you look at all of the other male detectives you'll see their clean shaven, and looking sharp. Danny is the biggest DOUCHEBAG on the show and I would like to see him get hisA ss beat. I wonder how big the doorways are in his home cause his head gets more swollen each week. What a Tool.


He did get the snot beat out of him..... wilder the serial killer in season 6 put a real hurt on him. Made me happy..... he should have bled more though &amp; been hospitalized for a month?


He also got the crap beat out of by the terrorist bomber. He collapsed on the floor, but amazingly never went to the ER.


*rip not tip.


I figured..


Several seasons ago Danny &amp; his partner got a new boss. Don`t remember her name but she raked Danny over the coals for his appearance. I think he got really upset about it &amp; threatened to quit or transfer out.

By the end of the ep he had began to accet the lady boss but I don`t think anything more was ever said about his appearance.
