Is it just me..

Or does nobody hope that Jamie and Eddie get together I love them and no it's not another clichè I am only on the start of season 6 so pleas no spoilers!


I'm on season four, and I'm pretty sure that Eddie has a crush on Jamie that should be obvious to Jamie. Cautious as he is, maybe he recognizes the attraction and just chooses not to act on it.


If they get together one would have to transfer out, and I don't think either of them would want to do that, so it's better they just remain partners. Plus, why does every time a male and female partner work together they have to get involved romantically? Look at Danny and his partner. It's a good thing he's married, else people would have wanted to ship them too.

Teenage love affairs are about intensity, not longevity


Remember that Danny is older than Jamie and happily married. Jamie has a broken engagement and, as far as we can tell, is not in any sort of relationship. And Eddie is very attractive; they get along well, too. He's not the type to go to hookers (and, of course, it's illegal), so he may be sexually deprived. I'd like to see it happen because I like the two of them together.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


I am with you. I don't like the notion that male and female partners always have to get together or you hope they do. I think I enjoyed X-Files more before Mulder and Scully hooked up. After they did they will all over each other which annoyed me to no end. To go from one extreme to another.


I am sick to DEATH of seeing the male/female leads in "crime drama/cop" shows hooking up - it's gotten so predictable these days that it's laughable ....and boring as hell. I'm having a hard time remembering ANY male/female co-leads in a show who DIDN'T end up all gooey-eyed gaga in love - BARF!! I really enjoyed the initial "sexual tension" between Castle & Beckett, Bones & Booth, Mulder & Scully, all the other pairs names elude me at the moment - little help, please? Did Bruce Willis & Cybill Shepherd hook up on MOONLIGHTING? Pierce Brosnan & Stephanie Zimbalist on REMINGTON STEELE? hell, I wish I could recall ONE 'opposite sex pairing' that started out with some great tension and DIDN'T turn into "hearts 'n flowers" mush & gush. Too formulaic, too insulting, too ridiculous.....particularly in the case of Beckett and Castle (imho) - he' a 50 year old man/child living in a pretend world with Mommy and his (FAR more mature) teenage daughter World, and she's a tough-as-nails, black/white, right/wrong, enemy-of-the-bad-guys fighter for truth, justice, the American Way AND seeking the answers to her Mum's murder.....but by 2014 they had her playing the giggling little "oh Castle, take me in your arms, and ooooh! how do you like my new negligee, baby?" dumbed down idiot. No offense intended to any blonde IMDb users, you know what I mean...but I'm shocked they just didn't dye her hair blonde and be done with it. WHY DO THE "POWERS THAT BE" KEEP THINKING THE AUDIENCE ALWAYS WANTS TO SEE THE M/F LEADS END UP IN LOVE/BED??? That particular dynamic has been done TO DEATH - for the love of GOD, bury it and put your brains to (actual, not rewritten) work, and come up with something new - PLEASE.

....and if I'm forgetting other examples, PLEASE, Y'ALL!! Help remind this near-60 year old recollect some of the earlier examples, whether they aired in my lifetime or not!! Many thanks - 🍻

Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot - than to open it and remove all doubt!


canadazbest, I don't know if you watch Rosewood on Fox. They started to put the leads together and there was a lot of sexual tension, but it seems the writers read your post! I notice that when the new season returned they came back different. They've both gotten interested in other people and are focusing on solving crimes as partners and not lovers. And there's no sexual tension. The show to me is much better.

You asked for examples of shows where the leads didn't end up. I can't think of any but I can think of two more where they did end up and to me it was not necessary: One was The Mentalist with Simon Baker and Robin Tunney (thank God they only got together in the last season {which probably was what caused the end anyway}), and the other was Perception with Eric McCormack and Rachel Lee Cook. She looked about 15 to 20 years younger than him and I thought was a very odd pairing. I think that only lasted one season and seemed the writers got the memo and I think towards the end veered away from bringing them together. Maybe the damage was already done, ergo the show didn't pass a third season.

Teenage love affairs are about intensity, not longevity


Haha, I didn't see your post before I responded and mentioned The Mentalist. You suggest that getting those characters together "caused the end" of the show, but I think it's the opposite: they knew the show was ending, so they put the characters together. I didn't think that one was too bad though, as I mention in my post.

I watched the first season of Perception, and honestly I can't believe it got a second season. (Actually I think it ended up with three seasons.) ANyway, I couldn't stand the Rachel Leigh Cook character; you're right, she did seem about 20 years younger than McCormack's character, and I just never liked her. After I quit watching I had no idea the two were paired up, although it really doesn't surprise me. As has been mentioned, TV people seem to think it's mandatory that anytime there's a drama--especially law enforcement, or some other professional workplace--that the two main characters HAVE to be paired up. It's boring and shows a major lack of imagination.


slackermom, no I don't think the pairing cause the end of The Mentalist. I believe I said coming to the end it may have gone that way, or you're right that they knew the show was ending, so they did that. Plus I'm sure they wanted to please the shippers.

I liked Rachel Leigh Cook's character, but I just felt she was too young to be paired with McCormack. I think they realised it and in the end did not let them end up together. They did not pair them up but I think because they had been leading along that line initially, it caused a bit of confusion to some people when it didn't go that way.

Teenage love affairs are about intensity, not longevity


Hey ravmeltt!

I hope you see the post I just left in response to slackersmom - I don't know if it's possible to reply to more than one person at a time on IMDb as it is on Facebook

Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot - than to open it and remove all doubt!


canadazbest, I did see your response to slackersmom, and you had me cracking up, especially with the part about the 3 legged dog and the vomitting cat. Hilarious! lol

But it's true. The writers are running out of ideas and they are doing some dumb stuff. They're pairing people they shouldn't and doing things that they would not have dared do a couple years ago.

Teenage love affairs are about intensity, not longevity


Did Bruce Willis & Cybill Shepherd hook up on MOONLIGHTING?

Yes. Yes, they did. And famously so, I might add. Moonlighting is held up as a universal example of the dangers of putting the two leads together as a romantic couple, because once Dave and Maddy "got together" on the show, the show and its ratings tanked. Whether it was because they got together, or if there were other variables involved, it happened in a big way and the show was totally ruined from that point on. (Look up "Moonlighting Curse." )

I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a show in which the m/f leads did NOT eventually get together, or at least make googoo eyes at each other. I had real, high hopes for The Mentalist, as I thought Patrick Jane and Theresa Lisbon were more brother/sister than boyfriend/girlfriend. But toward the end, they did admit their feelings and start hooking up. One thing that made it better, though, was that we never really saw them being all lovey-dovey to each other. We saw them while they were 'on the job,' and they acted as they always did, and the rest was only alluded to once in a while. So that was a good way to handle it, I thought.

One ray of hope for you (and others, like me) who hate this hooking-up trend: on Elementary, the producers have said that as of right now, they have NO PLANS to put Holmes and Watson together. The two of them really DO NOT have any type of romantic vibe between them, so it would be wonderful if, when the show does come to an end, the Powers That Be stick to their intention and simply have it end with them professional partners and friends.


Thanks very much for weighing in, slackersmom, I never got to see the later seasons of Moonlighting. IMO, the way our "over-the-top" PC world is going, I predict that within the next 3-8 years, we'll see crime fighting duos who are same-sex, disabled, ethnic minority, vision and/or hearing impaired, multilingual with huge age differences making America (and Canada!) safe from the bad guys.
(oh, and falling in love and bringing their adopted-from-impoverished-Nations children together under one big happy roof....with a dog with 3 legs and a cat with chronic vomiting)


Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot - than to open it and remove all doubt!


....and if I'm forgetting other examples, PLEASE, Y'ALL!! Help remind this near-60 year old recollect some of the earlier examples, whether they aired in my lifetime or not!!

Just read your comment, and since it had a recent marathon on the Decades channel, Hunter (1984) came to mind. It had several great seasons with Hunter & McCall as detectives & nothing else. Their initial pairing was really funny- both outcasts that were trying to fool the brass that they were working together when they were working their own cases. That show matured from comedy to fairly serious. In her final season, they had a "flashback" hookup. I felt about it as you do.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


I hope they get together aswell
