MovieChat Forums > Blue Bloods (2010) Discussion > So one of the police officers..

So one of the police officers..

Brings in a witness to all of the gang shootings and said "detectives" and good ole Danny says "what!? With the most sarcastic tone? So I understand Nepotism runs wild in the NYPD with the Regan family, however this moron gets to berate, chastise, and yell at everyone and anyone and nothing happens? If Frank Regan holds every cop, detective, and all the top brass, including himself, to a higher standard, then why is Danny allowed to walk around unshaven, unkept, and belittle everyone he comes into contact with and NOTHING IS DONE? this show is really turning into a soap opera anymore!


Yup, not to mention that whenever Danny is questioning someone he smacks them in the head or wherever. I know it's just a TV show but I love it whenever anything rotten happens to Danny! If he was questioning me and then smacks me?, I'd kick him in the kneecap!
