Anyone not hate it?

Who has actually seen it?

Almost any animated film is on my list to see with my aunt and grandfather. We just like watching those types of films.

Saw it today and certainly did not hate it. It's nowhere near most Pixar films, Wreck-It Ralph or Peanuts but I give it an average rating. A few laughs and an interesting enough story, pretty much what I was expecting.

Milo, I've told you again and again - please, don't walk on the chickens!


I enjoyed it. I would give it a 3/5


If this is average, what may I ask do you consider to be below average?


Most would probably consider this below average in terms of quality, I call it average based on how much I enjoyed it.

There are very few animated movies I've seen that I would say I did not enjoy, mostly because I judge pretty well what I'm going to like or not like. The one that immediately comes to mind is Nut Job, could not get through it.

Milo, I've told you again and again - please, don't walk on the chickens!


My brother-in-law rented out a movie theater for his daughter's birthday, and it was either this or Hotel Transylvania 2. Glad it was this because HT2 looked even worse. Before Norm leaves for the city, it's pretty bad, but then things get better. By no means is this a great movie, but it's not that bad.
