
How in the hell did anyone come up with this? I mean someone had to have thought of this. How? The numbskulls in charge of programming at the SyFy Channel are sitting around trying to think of ideas between bong hits and someone just jumps up and screams "I've got it! Let's make Moby Dick but make it a dragon and set it on land in the middle ages! Oh dude, I pissed on myself! This sucks. Is there any pizza left? Hot Pockets? I'm going on a beer run." And he turns around and runs into a wall and knocks himself out. Is that what happened? Because it sure seems like it. You people, yes you SyFy Channel are drug addicted idiots. At least I hope it is drugs. I'd hate to think you are like this naturally.

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I'm pretty sure all they really do is take a topic about sharks, dragons, or dinosaurs, and try to make a movie around that.


And then cast at least one veteran actor, whose already past their prime, and a no-name actor as the other main character (protagonist/antagonist, they both can be interchangeable). And then throw in a sexy female co-star. Everybody else that's cast is monster fodder.



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