MovieChat Forums > Outsourced (2010) Discussion > FANS OF THE SHOW ONLY! SAVE OUTSOURCED

FANS OF THE SHOW ONLY! SAVE OUTSOURCED write nbc [email protected] help us save this show! Sienfeld almost got cancelled but the fans wrote in to save it! WE NEED TO MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD! THANKS GUYS!

p.s to the haters, I didn't hate on you please dont hate on me

!Team Alice!
"You smell like robots!"


Isn't one thread on this enough?
A petition isn't going to save the show.
The show didn't get the audience required.


No one is "hating" on you. Petitions are useless. They only serve to make the impacted fan feel better. Outsourced is a dead horse, why continue beating it?


Yeah, I liked the show and was pretty pissed when they cancelled it, especially since they keep replacing it with stupid crap, but signing a petition would be pretty pointless. Petitions just don't work anymore due to the fact that every single show that gets cancelled gets a petition to save it these days.


You could be inspired by the campaigns to save the Canadian show on Showcase called "Endgame" too. We even got Shawn Doyle to upload a picture! And they're starting a huge fuss about it on Twitter too. :)

Outsourced is amazing! I hope some other network will pick it up, it's so unfinished still and it's such a heartwarming and charming show!



I signed your petition, though I doubt it'll give the heads at NBC a clue (plus there's barely 2,000 signatures on it as of this writing).

a shame, I looked forward to a few laughs from this show moreso then the "barely a chuckle outta me " The Office show (which I plan NOT to watch next season). Guess I won't be watching NBC on Thursday nights.

Between The Cape, Office, Outsourced and Smallville, I seriously got NO TV shows to watch! Time to start readin' books 'n' junk! (haha)

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


I didn't realize it got cancelled. I liked the show a lot but part of the problem with it is the story never seemed to move very far. It's kind of a one-trick pony with the whole culture clash thing. Plus I think the whole "outsourcing" thing really hit a sore spot with some Americans. I heard a lot of narrow-minded people saying they'd never watch it.


haha TC is a MORON with NO TASTE
