MovieChat Forums > Outsourced (2010) Discussion > What went wrong... IMO

What went wrong... IMO

1. Gupta was not a suitable cast buffoon, certainly no Sheldon Cooper, Steve Urkel, Woody, etc... Rajiv and Charlie made better buffoons and episodes which featured them prominently were among the best.

2. Asha's engagement and background kept her from being suitable female lead or even eye-candy for male viewers leaving only Tanya who was left on the sidelines or ignored entirely too often.

3. Character development was just off, characters who should have been nothing but likable weren't. Both Todd and Manmeet were just annoying too often and almost always un-endearing.

4. Even though Friends producers shoved the tedious Ross/Rachel romance down our throats for a decade until we swallowed it, nobody wanted to go thru that BS again with Todd/Asha.

Does anybody have any more?


Yes. Americans are racists.


How about, it wasn't close to being funny?



You shouldn't pick on people with no friends.



Really? When someone doesn't like a show you like, you just insult them? Pretty mature, bro.

In my opinion, if you have a CENTRAL character named "Manmeet", you're just begging to be canceled.


TheGreatJayGatsby said:

"Outsourcing is a serious problem that's affected many Americans. Making a comedy about it is in very bad taste and probably turned off a good deal of people."

I can't agree with any statement more. We all know people that have lost their jobs, taken cuts in pay, cuts in hours, cuts in benefits. And now, some suits somewhere think it would be hilarious to make a comedy show about the people that now have those jobs????????

I can't believe this show lasted this long.


I don't know why people assume that American's are more deserving of these jobs than Indians. Is it because they're brown? Or is it because they're Hindu? Or is it just that they're too different all around?


Keep on looking for a racist, you will not find one here.

When America subsidizes industry, gives HUGE tax breaks to industry, and those industries benefit from being American companies, then AMERICANS deserve those jobs.

Same for India. Or the UK. Or where ever.

I have nothing against anyone on the basis of color or race. But that is always the first thing that pea brained people jump to. Because there can't possibly be another explanation or reason.


If only it were that simple. We give them tax breaks and tolerate outsourcing so they can compete against companies that provide a competitive product at a more reasonable price. If these companies go under then they're doing nobody any good. Unfortunately, foreign companies are going to take advantage of lower cost labor making it impossible for American companies to compete unless they do the same.

If it weren't for outsourcing were would Ford and Chevy and Dodge be today. GM might still be around but not in the #2 spot that it's in now. Ford would probably be a subsidiary of Hyundai/Kia or Volkswagen.



"We give them tax breaks and tolerate outsourcing so they can compete against companies that provide a competitive product at a more reasonable price. If these companies go under then they're doing nobody any good."


Then these companies are competing off the backs of the American people.

And they are not doing Americans any good if they are using our tax dollars and NOT providing jobs for us. So it is more important for the companies to turn a profit off of the backs of Americans?????

Capitalism is, at its core, survival of the strongest. If companies can't compete, then tough luck. They go under and are replaced, or they find a way to profit.

For these companies to take our subsidies and money and not offer their jobs to the Americans that they benefit from, that is NOT free market. That is facism.

EDITED TO ADD: BTW, there products are not all that affordable if we can't afford to buy them because of not having a job or being underemployed.



"Americans are more deserving of these jobs because these jobs were originally for Americans."

I don't see why this would be true. "They're rightfully ours because they used to be ours." With the way the US gov. has run it's industry and citizenry in stagnation and poverty (respectively), I can't imagine why anyone would want to build a factory inside US borders.

You're understanding of international trade is rudimentary and objectively limited at best. If the US wants to maintain it's competitive edge it shouldn't spend as much on it's military as the next 20 countries put together. That money should have gone to education, lower taxes, infrastructure and industry subsidies (with conditions that the money be used for R&D). Then maybe they wouldn't be whining that their companies have to seek out every advantage they can just to compete.



Wow. I can't believe people won't watch this show simply because it's based on outsourcing. It's not even the Indian people's fault, it's the corporations' fault and indirectly OUR fault for supporting these corporations whenever we buy their goods and services.

Also, I checked some of your posting histories. Some of you who say you don't watch Outsourced because you feel it's in bad taste also watch Dexter. A show about a serial killer. And what about the Sopranos, a show about the mob? I'm sure I could list a dozen of shows with questionable content to highlight the hypocrisy shown here.

But no, it's easier to blame someone else. It's easier to say others are only trying to make you look bad. It's always the liberal's fault. Or the foreigners. Or the so called commies.



Sorry not all of that was directed at you but I'm tired of the whole "libs this libs that" hatred I see all over these boards regarding this show.

But I still can't take you seriously when you said we can't stop murder so it's basically okay to make shows with protagonists who murder and yet you complain about insensitivity over a show based on an outsourced call center. Nevermind that the outsourcing in the show is a tiny aspect of the show and only serves as a storyline to explain why this white guy is in India.

As for your nitpick, you obviously didn't understand that I was mimicking the folks blaming liberals for everything even when it makes no sense. Maybe you should ask before you insult someone eh?

And yes good riddance so people don't have to listen to your whining and irrational complaints anymore.



Like I said before, not all of that was directed at you. Unfortunately, the way the boards work, at least for me, I could only reply to the last person who posted in this thread. And that was you. So once again, I'm sorry, not all of that was directed at you.

I have no interest in insulting you but I'm also not going to sit here and take it from you. Especially when you're displaying stupidity with complaints about a show based on irrational emotions and when you display double standards and hypocrisy. Your explanation that it's in the execution just doesn't cut it because it's subjective. Heck, your whole complaint was subjective to begin with, which is fine, we all have opinions. But your opinion displays the double standard and hypocrisy that I pointed out before.



They changed time slots right when it was getting popular. I have never seen that work for a series. I'm sure it has before, but not in any that I've seen. That's almost always a death sentence. I know I myself stopped watching it after it stopped coming on after The Office just b/c I didn't want to tune back in half an hour later just to catch it. I hate it when networks do that to popular shows. It's like, are you trying to kill it?



