Funniest moments

Sweat sleeves, you sweat and then.... you wipe.

The paintball attack

Gupta has to be the funniest character on the show.


Anything and everything involving Turban Guy-- in particular the scene where Todd's boss comes to India and makes the joke 'Turban Outfitters' and Turban Guy slowly goes into a laugh before doing his signature "I hate you with a burning passion" to Todd.


Gupta scenes - I know some people find him annoying, but I can't stop laughing.

Rajiv - his blatancy is hysterical.

Pinky - very few scenes and lines, but OMG I piss my pants at the things she says and does.

"Your hatred energizes me - Bring it on, and watch me RADIATE"


Yeah, I love the Gupta scenes. They are the best. Especially, when he talks to Todd through the eyehole in his floor.

"Well-behaved women seldom make history."-Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


agree. gupta scenes are all funny :) even the look of his face make me wanna hug him :)) so cute and adorable.

madhuri is so funny in the pilot, when she talk with no voice hahahhha

rajiv with his obsession for becoming manager :))


One of the funniest scenes I can think of is when Todd keeps accidentally sexually harassing someone on his staff and he offers them to come to his desk and tell him what he is doing wrong. Rajiv chimes in with 'The line to see the sexual predator will start here'.

That whole episode kills me. Rajiv is hilarious.


Rajiv singing "I'm Gonna Dance With Somebody".


almost any charlie moment..he's freakin' hilarious!

"Oh Penny, it's as if the Cheesecake Factory is run by witches"


When Todd's boss gets arrested in India. He awakens and says -I can't handle this -I have seen Slumdog Millionaire -I cant take torture and I am terrible at trivia !!



Manmeet's video he made for his American 'girlfriend' was funny.


When Todd's boss's car crashes during a video call and after an Indian-sounding voice is heard on the OnStar system, Rajiv says: "Deepak? Is that you? .... Cousin??"


Rajiv watching the security video of Gupta licking the muffin... Then having Todd watch it while he's eating that muffin... "What would I have said? Gupta licked your muffin!... Hmphhh... I guess I could have said that."


the scene where GUPTA says "as my father says shut up shut up" in the restaurant is hilarious:D


The entire Halloween episode was funny as hell.

Anything with Gupta and Manmeet.

The episode where they tried getting onto trains at the train station.

They call me the wanderer.
