MovieChat Forums > Outsourced (2010) Discussion > Outsourced Fans: Should we be worried?

Outsourced Fans: Should we be worried?

I love this show but there's been a lot of talk about it being canceled because of its poor ratings in the new time slot. ded-sitcom-time-for-renewal/84055

Is there anything we fans can do to help save the show?


I really hope they don't cancel it. I think it was silly of them to move it to 10:30 in the first place...

I guess all we can do is keep getting everyone we know to watch...

Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friends!~The Beatles


Ahhh that would suck, I love this show...but I've come to expect this from Network Television, hence the reason I barely watch it anymore. I just get tired of getting hooked on something only for it to be taken away, and often before the season is even over. Thank God for cable.

Fingers crossed it gets a second chance.

"Your hatred energizes me - Bring it on, and watch me RADIATE"


Cancel this crap!!!!!

Not sure if you heard, but my spinal column was ruptured in a sex riot.


...or you could just not watch it, that's an alternative.

"Your hatred energizes me - Bring it on, and watch me RADIATE"


Oh trust me, I don't watch it.

Not sure if you heard, but my spinal column was ruptured in a sex riot.


oh, then why do you care if its on or not?

"Your hatred energizes me - Bring it on, and watch me RADIATE"


Because it angers me whenever I see a preview for it. Same with Lopez Tonight. I HATE George Lope, and Outsourced,

Not sure if you heard, but my spinal column was ruptured in a sex riot.


Oh I see....

"Your hatred energizes me - Bring it on, and watch me RADIATE"


Because it angers me whenever I see a preview for it.
Can you explain why it "angers" you? Thatere are plenty of shows on TV that I don't particularly care for, but the fact they exist doesn't "anger" me...
...I just choose not to watch them, and that's that. I don't like "The Bachelor", but the fact it exists just gives me a feeling of "indifference" rather than anger. I couldn't care less that the show exists.

Is there a particular reason that this show (which, from what I can see, is just good-natured harmless fun) would "anger" you, rather than just giving you a feeling of "indifference".


It just does. It's a stupid show.

Not sure if you heard, but my spinal column was ruptured in a sex riot.



it angers him because of a suppressed memory about his uncle..... whats it matter why it angers him just ignore his comment we like the show thats all that matters


It sort of angers me too, because I think of all of the good shows that could be on tv instead of this *beep* If it were on at 3am I might not mind.


Its making fun of a very serious problem in America.


If every show that I thought had stupid commercials got canceled, there would probably be only 6 or 7 shows left on TV...

Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friends!~The Beatles


<<Is there anything we fans can do to help save the show?>>

Well, you could ask the writers to start coming up with better scripts.

The show has great potential (theme/characters/etc). It could get way better ratings with a better script.



They should just can "Perfect Couples". It's not that great.

I love mankind. It's the people I can't stand.


Start writing letters and emailing.

They should just can "Perfect Couples". It's not that great.

It's not that great. Move Outsourced to the 8:30pm time slot.



yeah, I wish they'd just can Perfect Couples, then move Outsourced to 8:30

I think some people probably don't want to have to stay up until 11pm to watch (I know my parents just DVR it- I'm not sure if that affects ratings at all)

Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friends!~The Beatles


Yeah the time slot is F'd Up, clearly the ratings dropped from 5.3 for the last episode in December, to 3.9 on January 20th the exact point they changed the time. And as it moved further away from the Holiday period it dropped a little further.

It doesn't take that much smarts to work out that the time-slot is too late for this kind of sitcom. Who the hell watches ANYTHING at time on a Thursday night? I have to get up at 6am to go to work the following morning.

The drop is not because of the writing, because it's actually getting better and better. The characters are more fleshed out. And it's finding its balance between the outrageous and it's 'common human voice' a lot more on point.

However I wont be surprised if NBC sacrifice this show along with Perfect Couples. Which is unfortunate because I think it deserves a chance. Perfect Couples does less traffic than Outsourced, yet its in the Prime spot. If more people are tuning in later for Outsourced, it's simple math that it would do better if it were shifted 2 hours earlier .......but hey Network TV...not surprised, if you know what I mean.

"Your hatred energizes me - Bring it on, and watch me RADIATE"


If it aired between 8 and 9, it would get creamed by "American Idol." "Outsourced" is currently going up against the local news.


What chance does a show have that's funny,charming and well written? Keep the Jersey Shore,and the rest of the tripe;no wonder other countries think Americans are stupid...that's because we are!


The problem is, people who enjoy a well written story and an interesting plot are becoming fewer and farer between. It’s not just this show, its any decent show on television. Just about every show I’ve found interesting over the past 3 or 4 years has been canceled, yet mindless garbage like Jersey Shore, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, the Bachelor and all the other reality related drivel has thrived. I’m telling you, reality shows have ruined decent television.


I cannot believe this show was cancelled. This was one of the few genuinely funny shows around. No wonder you lament the stupidity.


That's what


does. They kill all their good shows. I can't stand NBC anymore.

I find myself craving a good sitcom! Where's "Frasier" - "Friends" - Etc...

---JD Christian


So apparently Perfect Couples has been canceled! But stupid NBC is replacing it with another show in the 8:30pm timeslot, rather than moving Outsourced to that time

Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friends!~The Beatles


"Cheers", "Hill Street Blues", and "The Office", were 3 examples of low rated shows that NBC allowed to develop into winners. All 3 won Emmy awards in their first seasons, and developed into ratings winners. As recently as 2005, TO would receive a 2.0 among viewers 18-49, even when it was sandwiched in between "The Biggest Loser" and "My Name is Earl," both of which would receive 4.0 ratings.

This show is unique. It is the only show on network TV about the Indian Culture. It doesn't really have any stand-out characters, but I think its content allows it to stand out. NBC has already renewed both of its "mockumentaries" and both of its "post modern" comedies. Assuming there's some authenticity to the show, I think NBC would be wise to reach out to the Indian American population by extending this show, which is drawing far more viewers than "The Apprentice" did in the same time slot last fall.


Outsourced and Chuck are in danger? This is bad, I hope they won't cancel, it'd be a bad move from them.

NBC already killed My Name is Earl, not Outsourced, please!


This show has totally jumped the shark and that is probably why it was moved.
I can't believe how fast the writers ran out of ideas. The first half of the season was funny and even somewhat educational. The second half is stupid and offensive. People falling off the top of a train? Please....

The end of the tension between Asha and Todd was pretty much the end of any hope that show had.


Don't forget Rajiv being promoted to manager. Now his father-in-law approved of him and he has no reason to get Todd fired. He even proposed and she accepted. Once we finish a cycle of India's holidays, there will be nowhere left for this show to go. Regardless of what the critics think, there will simply be nowhere left to go. Todd was originally only supposed to be there for 1 year. Okay, so he decides he likes India? He's already dating an Austrailian. I like the idea of learning about Indian culture, but who says we can't get that from another show?

"Accidentally On Purpose" was winning its time slot, but once she had the baby, there was nowhere left to go. I see the same fate for this show, minus the part about it winning its time slot.


Here in Denmark Outsourced have been running for the last 3 weeks. Every week they send 2 episodes. I sat down expecting nothing from this show, but actually found it very hilarious. Well... I'm not rolling on the floor laughing my a** off, but I like the idea of the show, even though it deals with a matter that many people have different viewpoints on - I won't go into any discussiion about that though.

Well... If people don't like a show from watching it in commercials or otherwise... Then don't watch it!!! The sad part, is that they still are willing to use some more of their time to come on here and b*tch about it. Why not leave it alone. You'll be happier, and we'll be happier in the end.

For example... I can't stand the show Community. Have even sat down and watched a couple of episodes of it. I don't think it's funny, and a waste of my time. I don't come on here afterwards to b*tch about it. I feel like my time has been wasted enough. So why even bother doing that.

I do hope that Outsourced show will continue after season 1.

Not to offend any indians, even though it can seem like that... But the accent when trying to speak english is also hilarious.

Know thy P-Funk, or get P'd on bubba


uhhh, I think you technically just did what you said you wouldn't do...

"For example... I can't stand the show Community. Have even sat down and watched a couple of episodes of it. I don't think it's funny, and a waste of my time. I don't come on here afterwards to b*tch about it. I feel like my time has been wasted enough. So why even bother doing that."

also, the show was cancelled. there won't be a season 2. still pissed about that, especially after just watching the movie version for the first time. i hate network tv. they reward crappy mindless shows but don't give ecclectic, intelligent shows a chance
