Comedy of Errors

Somewhere halfway the film it struck me: this is a Comedy of Errors. Not literary in a Shakespearian way, far from it.

The title Swerve refers to the story in unintended ways. What comes next? the audience wonders, and indeed, another twist in the plot is introduced in an almost laughable manner. All the clichés are present, including the final shoot out in the train and the girl taking of with the loot, smiling victoriously. As for the barman at the end... he was supposed to be the spider in the web? Goodness gracious, what a moronic twist in the plot.


Pretty bad movie. Not insultingly bad, just not that good. None of it was that well done. The acting, the directing, the pacing, the writing, etc were all bland and amateur...




Check out a film by Martin Scorsese called "After Hours " ... it is a perfect example of what the OP means about comedy of errors.
