The F.A.Q is empty so can anyone answer these questions for me?

• Is this based on any of the Oz novels or is it an original sequel?

• Is this a direct sequel to Wizard? I ask because I see Jack Pumpkinhead etc from Return to Oz in the cast.

• Will the director be casting real dwarfs/ midgets in the roles of the munchkins or will it be the same as in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

• Will the wicked witch of the west, the scarecrow and the lion be in this?

• Do we really need another movie based in NYC? It’s so generic.


I answered your questions in the FAQ section.

I think L.A. is more generic than NY. Plus, most films nowadays are shot in Canada and Eastern Europe. To have a movie actually shot in NY is more rare than you may think.

"There is no peace without freedom, no freedom without a fight."


That’s great, thanks! I agree that L.A is a more generic setting, but I’ve seen so many mainstream movies/ shows based in NY, too. The 3-D Smurfs movie has a similar plot and it’s getting a lot of hate for it. Anyway, I’m interested to see this movie and will keep an open mind. Good luck!


From what I understand this movie stays true to the book in some details. (the slippers are silver like in the book)

I don't really think it's a direct sequel. Actually it seems like they are trying to destroy any chances of making another, unless it's a prequel.

(just a little synopsis of the movie)

they don't even spend any time in oz

They make it as if Dorothy forgot that she ever had even traveled to OZ. She wrote the the OZ books and she is trying to put the final book together. She slowly starts to regain her memories and later realizes that the wicked witch of the west is her publicist
