jana t 'review'

User jana t is probably just Leigh Scott trying to defend another one of his turds. Not even a child would be fooled by that fake review.

"The writing is witty, funny, smart, intelligent, mesmerizing, and just plain wonderful! I am in love with this version, and the take on it! Writers, Leigh Scott and Eliza Swenson, made a wonderful fun fantasy film that I am sure everyone will be in love with, as I am. The Direction could be better!"


Leigh Scott is one of the worst directors and an Asylum whore.

"I'm - I'm hurt real bad. I think I'm dying"

"Continue dying"


And the world goes on...

What a useless post, nobody cares. In fact the only reason I'm even responding is because the fact that you even felt the need to post this infuriates me while at the same time sparks the smallest iota of pity for someone who is such a *beep* loser he goes on IMDb to hate on people who have actually made films. Comeback when you've achieved something, anything at all. The aforementioned post, however, does not count.


The truth hurts, doesn't it.

I pity the people who come here to post fake reviews of their garbage films. Making one piece of *beep* after another and helping to lower the bar for film making is not an accomplishment.

"I'm - I'm hurt real bad. I think I'm dying"

"Continue dying"


Actually I am NOT Leigh Scott, nor do I know him personally. I knew someone that worked on this film! So I got to see this awesome project! I stand by every word I wrote! I felt that his review was not a clear review. Czech republic was the only country, that had shown the mini series, at the time of Carrey Millers review! It was also the UNFINISHED version, which also leaked out on the internet. So get your facts straight guy!

You probably have not even seen this film, and are just a hater, living with your parents, with no job,
A wanna be director with no life, or an actor who sucks and Leigh never hired you because you have no talent.

You bag on almost every movie you discuss on the message boards, which means troll.

So, with that being said, go troll somewhere else!


Another moron who doesn't understand what a troll is.

Of course you stand by what you wrote. If each shill folded when caught, shilling wouldn't work. ;)

I would never work for Leigh since he's a hack, and what makes you think I have any aspirations to become an actor or director? You people always assume it's a competitor that's commenting. You know what they say about assumptions.

Most new films are garbage (and every film by Scott). When they start making better films, I'll post some positive comments. My comments are a reflection of the current movie landscape, which sucks.

And no, you can't make me go away. I'll stick around as long as I feel like it. :)

And I'll continue to call out the shills as they attempt to rescue their various crappy projects through fake reviews. Shilling is rampant and has turned this site into a joke.

"I'm - I'm hurt real bad. I think I'm dying"

"Continue dying"


You are the exact definition of a troll, you might want to look it up! You are also quite ignorant, especially to comment on a message board to a film you probably havent even seen, which I asked, but you never answered, so my guess, you did not, which means troll.

I never assume, it was you who assumed! However, I did say you are PROBABLY, "a no job, hater, living with his/her parents". So you might want to go reread what I said again. I also thought you PROBABLY may be a "wanna be director" or "an actor who Leigh would never hire", I am sure you wouldn't last one second in hollywood, you would not even know what to do. I also NEVER said you were a "competitor" So where you got that is only a guess...umm, that you are????

I will call you out, as a troll, trolling away, and I am sure you will get in trouble again for trolling. As I see, you really have no clue. The fact you would even comment on his page, is pure jealousy, and hate. You absolutely have a right to an opinion, as we all do, but you are to focused on being angry. I wish you luck finding a "new film" that is not garbage.

So my message to begin with was expressing MY opinion, to those who had seen the illegal version, or who read that review was this...
My friend worked her but off on this project, and the fact she let me see it, before anyone else got to, made me feel even more special. I thought it was fantastic piece of work, and thought the movie should get a fair shot. I am proud of her and everyone involved!


You are a delusional moron and not worth wasting anymore time on. Maybe you should seek some mental health counseling for your problems. You have contradicted and made a fool of yourself with your latest post. I'll let it speak for itself.

By the way, even if I were trolling, which I'm not, how could I "get in trouble" for it. Do you think you're my Mommy? LOL

If IMDB is going to clamp down on anyone, it's you pathetic shills for poisoning the well with your fake reviews.

Keep on shilling. You have much to be proud of.

Good day.

"I'm - I'm hurt real bad. I think I'm dying"

"Continue dying"


Yes, I am so glad you are not going to waste time anymore. You have wasted most of your day writing back to me...., because you are a loser who lives in your parents garage trolling the imdb. You won't get in trouble by me, maybe your mommy you live with. hahaha!

You started this whole thing, I just confirmed again, what an ignorant fool, and child you are, who has no life but to comment on other peoples movies, and, name call! Oh. and delusional moron, umm did you look that up? I don't think you are using it in context..Also, contradict, do you know that one, cause you took that word and used that wrong as well..

So first thing, go back to school, learn how to use big words in the right context, so when you name call, it actually makes sense. Then, maybe get a life, and stop waiting around to comment back on others good reviews on things they like. Thanks for making me laugh, and giving me all your time today, writing on this is fun, however wont get to it to much, I have a life, something you don't have!

My day is always great!


You're the one who needs a dictionary! Anyone reading this thread can see you have the IQ and comprehension skills of a child. I've used every single word correctly. You're just so Goddamn stupid and desperate, you're grasping at straws in an attempt to discredit my posts.

You don't even understand the difference between posting a "good review" and shilling. Is that the result of brainwashing or are you married to Leigh Scott?

a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

You seem to have a very unhealthy obsession with people living in their garage. That must come from years of living in one.

Wipe the egg off your face, take your foot out of your mouth, and move on to your next embarrassing moment.

I'm the one laughing at you, not the other way around. :)

"I'm - I'm hurt real bad. I think I'm dying"

"Continue dying"


Is that all you do is troll, troll and more trolling!!! Yes, we know all you discuss, is "shilling" on all the message boards, so, thank you for the update on what a shill is!

AGAIN, I really enjoyed this movie, and that is MY opinion.

Oh and just an fyi, .....
Troll-defined by Wikipedia
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response.

Sounds just like you!

So Mr. Troll, you definitely get off on provoking readers. So, thanks again for wasting the time you said you weren't going to waste on me any more! As I see, you have all the time in the world, to waste, but, you might want to put that time into getting a life instead!

The Witches of Oz is a fun fantasy, family movie, I really loved it!


Janamarise & prayedcobra are definately the same person, that being said, I have seen the movie, and it was *beep* good idea, unfortunately done badly. Had this been produced by Robert Halmi Sr. and his son, it would've been so much better, because those two know how to produce good miniseries!



Hi Michael, I thought the Witches of Oz movie is was a good idea, but then again I liked it! I am sure, you have your reasons, but thanks for not calling me names, however, what is a prayedcobra, I don't get it??

As for Robert Halmi, not to familiar with all his work, but did love The Joshephine Baker Story!


Check out Tin Man, it's a version of Oz; also, try and get hold of as many of their fantasy movies, they did have some misses -- Knights of Bloodsteel comes to mind -- but they had many hits IMHO.



I will love me some fantasy! Yeah there gonna have misses, its the film business, but I usually love what every body doesn't. Its ok, Michael, to have your own opinion, its just not cool to bag on someone else for theres, like the troll poster, mentioned before you.

Anyway, super excited for the info, I love it when peeps recommend, I will keep you posted on my favs!


For me, the best Oz -- besides the original -- was Return to Oz, which came out when I was a kid. I liked it's darker take on the source material, although if you've read any of the original Oz books they are darker than the WB movie that came out in 1939; I am just wondering if we'll ever get a remake of The Wizard of Oz done darker.

EDIT: Actually, I am still waiting for American McGee's video game version of Oz, it was supposed to be titled "American McGee's Oz".

