Awful Show

Does anyone else feel like the characters are kind of...lifeless and unlikable? I feel like the main dood is likable but he really doesn't an interesting personality or do anything interesting except watch other people being assh*les.


I'll watch an episode or 2 to see if it gets better...but I'm skeptical.


The two characters I barely liked were the wife and the daughter. But I'm high disappointed with this show. You have a great plot! great writers/producers...not even OK writers/producers...

I hope they'll stop after a few episodes.


Yeah, it's typical sitcom stuff for the most part. Only a few jokes have me really laughing and that's when the actual demon stuff comes in. Like tonight's episode had Balthazar making a schmaltzy speech to Satan and Satan says "thanks for the tampon commercial".



When the Texas neighbor farted in her dogs face, I knew this was easily one of the most abhorrent things I had ever seen...
