Good show..but..

they need to start losing some cases. 7 wins in a row is unrealistic.


they "lost" one last weak. boy got free for murder but still had to face time for conspiracy.

" People being stupid is not a plot hole " - by redwingjs


That's still a win tbh.


Losing cases is for sweeps and/or summer cliffhangers (interchangeable with one/both of them losing their license). :P

"Your entire life has been a mathematical error. A mathematical error I'm about to correct."


but sometimes defense lawyers in the real world get lucky and win that many cases in a row so i do not see a problem with the show's protrayal.


Too young to remember Perry Mason I guess. Ahh, different times . . . those were the days.


Perry Mason was on 20 yrs or more, and I think in the entire run of the show he only lost one case.


They are not usually flat our wins. In the same episode with the young boy accused of murder, the Elvis impersonator was not found innocent.

Although not reality - they do show the mechinations that go on behind the scenes, outside the courtroom. Our system of so called justice is pretty messy - kind of like making sausage, not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach.
