second season???

Will this show have a second season???



I sure hope so. And wouldn't it be interesting if the second season did not take place at the camp, but rather followed the kids into the school year at different schools?


it freaking better.. or at least re-run the episodes from this season.. I need to watch them again


I realy hope it will get picked up for another season, but if it does, I think they will have to move the plot away from camp eventually. I mean, how long can you make one summer last?! But I'm not really sure how/if that would work, because you'd lose a lot of the momentum without the characters' interaction with each other.


There sure as hell better be a second and maybe 3rd season (depending on how they do thing)

i like how some people say they should have it where it like a documentary type where we see will, Clohoe/alistar, trent, becca amber, etc in their hometown and just basically struggling (maybe not will) after coming back into camp or something.

i also wouldnt mind if they just did a time skip and go on to the next summer? (idk when the camp is suppose to be...)

Just i really hope they go into detail about poppy and her time at the camp since i think i remember someone mentioning that poppy was a camper there.


Doubt it will be known until end of this year even early 2011


Well parents weekend made it seem like only one half of the summer was over. Plus they brought in new chefs..and if the summer was over why bother doing that for one day?

I think the next season will be the other half of the summer. After that who knows.
