Song on Episode 5

Hey guys,

Anyone know what the theme tune is at the beggining of Episode 5. It reminds of a classic TV / movie from the 60/70's, but I can't remember which one it is.

Any help much appreciated - as its in my head now :-)


Sounds like Tijuana Taxi (Theme From "The Dating Game")


Good try and its a little similar but not the one!!

thx anyway


It's an old favourite of mine and, you're partly right, it is Herb Alpert but the song is Casino Royale by Burt Bacharach from the 1967 James Bond movie.


Thanks for that itchybits and you're quite right it is Casino Royale.

Previous poster whm2222 pointed me in Herb Alperts direction and finally I found the Burt Bacarach connection haha. And i got to watch Casino Royale again - which was a bonus - what a wonderful terrible romp of a film. Feels like it had several Directors (which it did). Too many egos for it to be truly brilliant - but epic fun!!
