MovieChat Forums > Pretty Wild (2010) Discussion > The show sucks, but a lot of you are lam...

The show sucks, but a lot of you are lames

I hate the show as much as the next guy, but starting a petition to cancel the show? Acting like this show is the example of the decline of western civilization? *beep* losers. Get over yourselves. If you don't like the show, don't watch it like me. This family will have fifteen minutes of fame. If with that fifteen minutes that little 15 year old sister will have enough money to set herself up for life, then so be it. Why hate on that success? You act like people come into your homes, put a gun to your heads, and force you to watch.

It's okay to dislike the show, it's okay to not want to watch it, it's okay to come on here and dislike it.

Starting and signing petitions to cancel it, ranting about how it's somehow hurting our society, well, those are just signs that you're lame morons.


I agree, its dumb starting a petition to cancel their show. Sure they got their show because of that burglary situation so what? They'll be old news eventually, nothing in Hollywood lasts forever.

If This Town
Is Just An Apple
Then Let Me Take A Bite


Its a slutty version of Keeping up with the Kardashians



Petitions sometimes get things done. People who ignore things, like voting, is what's getting us in the trouble we are in today. Just saying...

Reform AmericaKnow Your Facts


LOL, a petition? Absolutely hilarious. How hard is it to just NOT WATCH IT??? Don't turn it on! If you happen to accidentally come across the show then guess what??? It is amazing what you can do. Are you ready?? Turn the channel. Wow, can you believe that you have the CHOICE to do that? No one is forcing you to do anything, this is America. Quit trying to force your crap views on others. Douche. Just because you may hate the show doesn't give you the right to try to get it off the air. Who are you (speaking to people who want to start a petition) to tell other people what they can and can't watch? F'ing losers. Keep your fairytale morals in your own home & to yourself. No one else is interested or cares what you happen to think is not ok to watch. F'ing nerdy geeks. I hope this show gets signed on for another season and then another after that just to bother you jerkoffs. I haven't watched since the first one, it is pretty lame, but I just came across it being re-aired as I was channel surfing. Fact is, the two older daughters have perfect bodies. They are smoking hot, beautiful faces, breasts, ass, legs, etc. Guys like that. I guarantee the morons who are trying to get petitions signed to cancel the show are women who are pea brained religious folk and/or frumpy, fat, cottage cheese legged, lazy tubs of shat who WISH upon every star in the sky that they looked 1/100th as attractive as these chicks. That is a fact. Take your petition and shove it up your huge, pimpled arse.


See, it's you that would get ignored loser, and the show that would get a petition. See how that works. Now go back to your free website or to your paid subscription ones, whichever, and ignore the real things in life like you always do.


Reform America Know Your Facts


LOL, what a tool. Go back to church and pray that your fairytale god will cancel the show after you get your petition signed. What a complete nerd.


I wouldn't go so far as to sign a petition, but I don't think I've ever been so disgusted by a show in my entire life.

It's disrespectful to the victims of the burglaries to air this show. Even if the girls aren't found to be guilty, the show is still riding off the publicity of the trial. I'm not a fan of any of the celebrities that were robbed either, but could you imagine being burglarized and seeing the potential criminals riding off the fame of your misfortune? There are probably tons of reality show pitches about attractive families trying to make it in Hollywood. The trial is the only appeal in this case.

I think the show just promotes ignorant behavior; that it's okay to victimize people. It got this family a show, didn't it? If people want to sign a petition then whatever, it's their decision. Petitions rarely follow through but hey, the sooner the show gets off the air, the better. I'll just ignore any future episodes until then.


only one was convicted, i don't really watch TV but i love E which stands for entertainment, so this is no more than entertainment.

I mean TV sucks, everything about TV sucks if im looking for something wholesome im not going to turn on the TV

~You shut the hell up, Jackie-Boy. You're dead. I'm just imagining this, so shut the hell up~


Signing a petition to get this show cancelled would be like signing a petition to force the sun to rise in the east. It'll happen regardless.....
