who watches The Hills

didja noticethat Audrina is dating Ryan Cabrera, Tess thought she was going on a date with him AND the Bling Ring robbed Audrina...?


Ya! What is he, a reality show fixture now? And I also find it funny how he is in a bowling alley in a scene on The Hills...JUST LIKE he was in a bowling alley w/Tess. And, not for nothing, but a DJ that I used to listen to in the morning was talking about an event he attended w/Ryan C. in LA, and they were hanging out.....where?...wait for it...A BOWLING ALLEY! Is he a bowling pro that has it in his contract that he must have all his 'scenes' in a bowling alley?


I was just going to post on this. Is he like the token fake reality tv show boyfriend or just desperate for public exposure? Why would he agree to speak to the sister of the girl who stole from Audrina?


It's not just Ryan Cabrera. Wasn't Tess dating a guy (I think he was a singer in a band) who also appeared on The Hills as someone who worked at Bolthouse with Heidi Montag? The plot thickens....

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.
