Okay excuse me?? what the *beep* did they just kill of laz alonso for???? I loved Charlie as a character and Laz Alonso! Been a long time coming for him to get a break I don't understand this! Someone please explain why he's been killed off it better be a joke.....or he better be moving on to something bigger and better!
Dominic whatshisface cant carry the show himself...it doesnt make sense to have one cop three cons!!





Dominic is hardly going to have to carry the show himself. He has Jimmi Simpson and the other two cons, oh, and to a lesser extent Julianne. Plus, they will probably add a new cast member to replace Charlie.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


Because Laz is the biggest name on this show. He can afford to be written off because he has more success than the rest. I knew it was going to be Charlie because of Laz.


That's odd since I had never heard of Laz Alonzo before but Jimmi Simpson was the reason I tuned in to the first episode. I'm not saying you're wrong (or right), it's just odd.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


Actually Domenick Lombardozzi is the better actor, and the better leader of the group! As a former soldier, I'd rather follow Ray through hell, than the marionette Charlie any day!!!

I will not equivocate – I will not excuse – I will not retreat a single inch – AND I WILL BE HEARD! - William Lloyd Garrison


I'm so irritated right now. Laz is what brought me to this show. I was really looking forward to this season. I guess the show will still be good, but I feel like we need Charlie. Who will be the level headed voice of reason?

Let me be honest, I'll miss looking at that handsome face too.
"You have fixed your sheets and blankets, now go take a nap!" ---Ricky Ricardo



Should have killed that other guy Shea.
Why do they kill off Charlie but keep Shea?

That must be the worst decision EVER!
This show won't make it past season 2.


>>This show won't make it past season 2.

That may or may not be true, but I doubt it will have anything to do with writing off Charlie.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


Was pretty obvious it would be Charlie if they killed off anyone. Only other person who made sense was Julianne as she's expendable.

All the cons needed to be kept as they're the show but you don't need 2 leaders

They should have kept everyone though


It's very frustrating, because otherwise the second season doesn't look too bad.
Having a recurring villain was definitely the right choice
and something that the first season lacked.
It seems as if they'll explore the personal lives of the lead-characters more. That's also the right choice.

But I just don't understand how you could kill off one of
the best characters while someone like Shea gets to stay on.
I mean, really, can anyone tell me what that guy actually does except for being the ghetto gangsta?
He has no useful skills. He's not valuable in any way.

I really think, the actor wanted to go, because maybe he had a chance of getting a better role or something.
I really don't think they would've killed him otherwise. Such a shame, man.



Seeing as how the show barely made it passed Season 1. Saying it won't make it past Season 2 isn't that unlikely.

Perhaps Laz wanted to leave the show and that was how they decided to write him out.


There's really only a small handful of potential reasons why this character was killed off.

1. I don't think this is an Isaiah Washington, said the wrong thing, slept with the wrong person, and/or background politics thing

2. I don't think this is a focus group driven decision. This actor probably doesn't test through the roof with focus groups, but he also probably doesn't do too poorly either.

3. I'm not seeing any upcoming projects that could be scheduling conflicts for Mr. Alonzo.

4. Bubble shows, in order to return for another season, will frequently sign away a huge chunk of their budget in order to make themselves more appealing. It could be that the actor asked for too much money or the show slashed their budget in an effort to guarantee their return (or both). Regardless of which, my money is on money.


well poor dude. as a "the wire," simpson" and breakout kings as a rule fan i'm surprised. really. i don't watch spilers as a genral rule and had no idea if this was supposed to happen. i do however know that it was known ahead of time and it quite *beep* up. sorry black man. you were attractive and in good physical condition. it doesn't make sense that you were removed from the show but i hope you do okay. take care.

remember if you don't have anything nice to say ...you're probably an *beep*


I have been a fan of this show since it first aired last year .
Very upsetting to see them kill off Laz !
However, Im not surprised...

I will watch it for a few more episodes, then I will retire it the same way they retired LAZ !

REALLY..I mean..REALLY ?!..


They should have gave him the promotion and let the character leave. I agree he is one of the expendable characters but the killing him off is just a product of poor writing and possibly trying to boost ratings. Killing off the character is not only pointless, but it puts you in a bind in the event that possibly bringing the character back for future storylines could actually help advance story.


One thing would have SAVED Charlie's life, "BP Vest!"

Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever.


I totally agree with you! There was so many other ways they could have played it. The one thing i loved about this ep was Jason Behr,he really played the villain well


No clue whether this was just a "shake it up" writing decision or simply the actor wanting to leave, but I will say this with conviction: It was an unnecessary death.

The vest comment makes good sense, but even without that, they went into the final encounter with no backup or planning, in broad daylight, using no stealth or cover, and only two armed personnel, who immediately separated. In real life, had they done this and survived, the two badges would've been suspended without pay on the spot pending an investigation to determine their competency, not to mention numerous possible charges that could be filed (reckless endangerment, etc) if someone wanted to make an example out of them.

I absolutely hate it when writers don't do even the slightest bit of research on a subject before putting idiocy to paper and embarrassing themselves. That ending sequence came across like a bunch of untrained kids playing cops-n-robbers, and it's a damned shame, because this is otherwise a really good show.


I'm not all that invested in this show, but I'm really not a fan of killing off Charlie. He was too integral to just write him off completely. I think I would've been okay with at least him getting shot leaving a serious physical handicap that left him no choice but to take the DC desk job - like a blown out kneecap or something. Having him personally give Ray his badge back would be the makeup of a great scene and probably a better transition to post-Charlie.


From what I understand, the crew thought it was best to let Laz go because he's been invested in so many other productions. He didn't hate the show, he loved it, and the cast and crew didn't hate him, they loved him. Because he had so much, they wanted to make it easier on him and let him handle all the other projects he's in.

As for everyone saying such negative things about Season 2; I doubt your opinions. Every show is a trail-and-error. Go on dissing, but even if it doesn't live up to your standards, don't shun it off on the rest of us. I think this season is going to add more intensity to the whole story line. It's not going to be perfect, but what show is.

Whatever happens in the show happens. What the writers write, I appreciate their creativity, and I congratulate them on their skills.


The problem with letting Laz go is that I ABSOLUTELY HATE Domenic Lombardozzi and now he'll have more screen time.


I like your logic.

Laz was the main reason I watched this show. I stayed because I liked the premise. It's a good enough show but I'm fond of maybe one or two of the characters. Everyone else is pretty annoying.


As much as I like Laz Alonso, I was rather surprisingly thrilled that they made good on their promise that one king would fall. The minute the promotion came up I suspected that it would be him. Maybe, it's the genre savvy cynic in me but when something good is supposedly on the horizon that is when I suspect something bad is going to happen. I wonder who the replacement is going to be?


I agree with whomever said they should have given him the promotion..
That way,,, he leaves the show with the ability to come back !

Killing him of is pretty final.
Either way, count me out for the rest of this show's airings !

REALLY..I mean..REALLY ?!..


I thought that at first, but I think the intention was this....

If he would have gotten the promotion the distrust and seperation in the team would have continued, every man for himself. Now they have a common goal in a way they didn't before, justice for Charlie. Before they worked together so they could all get what they wanted, now maybe there will be a shift and they will work together because they are really a team.

We'll see how that works out.


well why did they kill him off, did the actor really want out or something? They could've had him wounded badly enough to be in a hospital, in a coma or something and they would still want to catch who put him there....but that's just me.



After seeing the season opener promo, again, going by what Charlie says (the risk is greater than I ever imagined) I should have known he was going to get killed off. DAMN! I'm still shocked about it. I mean you see the promo pics, the commercials, the opening credits all with Charlie in them. They really had me fooled. Funny, first season opener we lose Philly. Second season opener we lose Charlie. Who do we lose next season opener?...lol


Because I!!!!!


That's what tipped me off in the promo!

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


Yeah, I'm still not pleased about Charlie's demise...not only was it poorly written/conceived (felt cheap and rushed), but what's left behind in his place leaves a lot to be desired.

I don't dislike the guy or anything, but I don't think Domenick Lombardozzi is leading character material, for lack of better phrasing. I think he does much better in a supporting capacity, so I'm even less excited about Charlie being gone than I otherwise would have been.

"She should have some sense, she's getting a PhD. My kid eats waffsicles!"


Okay I JUST watched the season premiere and I was pretty shocked to see Charlie die. I saw the promos saying "One king will fall" but I definetly wasn't expecting it to be in the first episode of the season, actually I didn't completely buy into the fact that they would kill someone off, it just seemed too soon to be killing any character off IMO. But if it was anyone I was kind of expecting it to be Shea (even thoughthere's oddly something I like about him, don't know why, I wish the writers would give him more to do) or may be Ray.

I haven't watched the second episode yet but I kind of hope Charlie does get a replacement because it would be nice to mix things up. Plus I feel like Erica and Ray are mediocre characters and Shea we just haven't been able to see enough of (they really need to give him a special skill).

"Wipe yourself off man, you dead."
-Rush Hour


A fan of the show, but I agree with a lot of what has been said.
1. The research is atrocious - simply lazy writing.
2. The premise of the show - cons get out of jail to track down escaped felons - becomes boring very quickly without the conflict created by the character dynamics (see Alcatraz). Charlie (as the by-the-book cop) vs Ray (the streetwise cop) and the cons (streetwise as well) with different approaches to solve the case created the drama.

They must introduce another character to fulfill the Charlie role. And perhaps somehow end the Shea and Erica characters and add new characters to the mix - perhaps one played by Gabrielle Union (the strong woman role) and maybe one played by an unknown young actor that has hacking skills.

Each team member must bring something to the table, some skill, because they don't get guns. Shea is a "punch and gun" kind of guy who will never get a gun. He just plays grumpy all the time.

Also, because they will never be armed, they need another support gun or two. Giving Erica a gun (in violation of her status as convict) can't last long and will only lead to trouble. One offical armed guy isn't enough to realistically portay a field team.

Just my 2 cents.


Very well thought out Wayne! I think that was a major issue when creating the show (even though I like it) is that the skills the team have aren't very diversified. Really only Lloyd and Julianne have unique skills (Lloyd's intelligence and Julianne seems to be pretty good at hacking/computers). I think it would have been cool if either Shea or Erica were like a grifter or a theif or a hitman. Instead of the gangster businessman Shea is and the ex-Bounty Hunter Erica is. Something more specialized you know?

"Wipe yourself off man, you dead."
-Rush Hour
