MovieChat Forums > Breakout Kings (2011) Discussion > That girls parents should stop blaming L...

That girls parents should stop blaming Lloyd and he should too

cause it just feels fake that he feels THAT awful about it and that they blame him THAT much, here's an idea, be better parents so your daughter doesn't do drugs and OD. I mean come on, it's not like Lloyd force her to take them or got her hooked or something, he's just a dealer so if she didn't get it from him she would have gotten it from another dealer, I mean it's not that hard to find a drug dealer if you really want to, if it was we wouldn't need to spend billions on the DEA.


Emotions are not rational.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


If it was another dealer, the parents would hate that guy/girl instead. But it was Lloyd. He prescribed medicines that killed a girl. Whether she could get them elsewhere is irrelevant. He's the supplier. He gets blamed. He did something wrong that resulted in a dead girl- he gets the self-punishment.

I'm not saying the bastard should fry. But he shouldn't be absolved by any means.

Speak louder, Mr. Hart! Fill the room with your intelligence!


It should also be pointed out that, as I understand it, she wasn't an addict, she committed suicide. The implication I got was that the pills were not the underlying problem, they were just a tool she used. If this is true, it makes Lloyd even less culpable in some sense.


At least he feels responsible, and takes the blame. Most would make excuses. I like that about Lloyd's character.
The last thing I wanna do is hurt you...but that's still on the list.


Me too. Of all the cons on the team, he felt the most remorse for what he did. For Shea, going to prison was the cost of doing business. With Erica, it was about revenge and avenging her father's death. She regrets getting caught, not what she did.

"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele


Oy, again with the "we love Damien" how could Ray murder such a good guy stuff?

Who sympathizes with a straight up sociopathic murdering psychopath?

Ray’s daughter was only kidnapped and we are fine with him committing MURDER by tossing Damien’s “A” off that roof.

And let me know when you plan to shake the hand of the man that only kidnapped a child you know. Let me know how that goes.

I know I wonder about you, not so much us .




ladies and genitals:

yes, they should forgive lloyd.

1. It's the girls fault for being stupid on drugs
2. Parents suck at raising kids
3. Lloyd has some fault, but the severity of that depends on IF the girl was too young to know better.

Example: husband cheats on wife and then blames the woman who tempted him. That's utter horse crap. It is totally the man's fault for the violation.

Example 2: the tempting 50k diamond at the mall made me blow my life savings. It was the diamonds fault. Seriously? I digress....

Conclusion, lloyd has some blame, parents and girl have most blame, but they make him out to be the worst guy in the situation. the parents should be looked at as neglecting their child too, maybe? Unless she was some-what old enough to be self accountable and just ignore her parents and be stupid, nonetheless. So that's the just of it.

Everyone has blame but they wanna just blame lloyd. in fact, lloyd truly repented, so now they need to forgive him. He's the one on top now.

Conclusion is that he doesn't need 25 years of prison and we all know it. he learned his lesson, what more does he need prison for? Is he gonna do it again? No.

Prison is made to protect us from bad people. He ain't bad no more, so yeah....

Those are my 45 cents.


And I also wanna add that its stupid crap that this show was cancelled. Why do american's wanna watch retarded reality shows when they take nothing from that? At least these kind of shows can show you some insight on how to be a human being (at times of course). These kind of shows at least challenge us to be better people and take some deep thought in life.




lol man i wasn't directing at anyone. and it was a mistake inlcluding ' in "american's"

I know it isn't spelled that way. Just a typo for whatever reason. probably out of habit. Sorry I'm lazy sometimes :) esp with a long post! Don't feel like revising.

"What is a signature?"




raaaaaawr :D haha

"What is a signature?"


The parents never faced him so of course they still blame him. Lloyd took the first possible deal to avoid dealing with them in court and since the parents never faced him before they just started to deal



Ray’s daughter was only kidnapped and we are fine with him committing MURDER by tossing Damien’s “A” off that roof."
Yes, because as we saw, Damien only ever kidnapped that one girl. It's not like he murdered a dozen or so people (including a US Marshall, and not including the ones that put him in prison to begin with). It's not like he abducted a man and forced him to watch a girl be brutally murdered after giving false hope of a chance to save her. It's not like he taunted and psychologically wounded multiple people out of a mixture of spite and amusement. It's not like he tried to drive a man insane by giving him a Sophie's Choice situation: actively kill a murderer, or kill an innocent girl by inaction. So yes, we can recognize that Ray did something wrong, but nobody's going to feel bad that Damien died.

Lloyd is a fan favorite; I think the fact that he is truly repentant has a lot to do with his popularity.
Well obviously. That's part of what makes the scene where he is forced to confront the parents so emotional. The fact that he is so utterly ashamed and repentant of his actions is why Lloyd fans rally around him. We're not saying "Forgive him because he's my favorite character!" No, it's "look how horrible he feels about it all!"

That being said, I'm not onboard with saying "He feels so bad, so they should forgive him!". These parents lost their child via pills that he sold. Yes, she intentionally OD'd, but it was still using pills he sold her. They're going to want to blame him. However, for me personally? In that situation I would take immense solace in seeing Lloyd's reaction on the porch. The fact that all his precious words and logic have left him, and he can't even move or look them in the eye would tell me how truly horrible he feels about the situation. I would take solace in that fact. I think the reason Lloyd is a fan favorite is because he's that funny, wise-creaking character. He's light-hearted and generally sweet. He's not a malicious individual. So to see him in such a horrible situation makes your heart hurt for him. The only thing you can do as a fan to ease the pain of your favorite character is to wish that the parents would forgive him. To use a great analogy from the series itself, as a fan you're in the exact same situation Lloyd was in at the end of "Seald Fate". You just have to sit and watch it happen knowing there's nothing you can do.

For Lloyd's part, he is at least smart enough to recognize that even if it didn't happen to that one girl, it could have happened to another. That's partly from where his shame stems. And since we're discussing these scenes, I'm giving mad props out to Jimmi Simpson. It was his performance that completely sold that scene (AND the one in Seald Fate).

On the flip side, however, I do think they should be a little forgiving because, as it was stated, the girl intentionally OD'ed to commit suicide. That part isn't Lloyd's fault. She would have found another way to do it without the pills if she didn't have them. The fact that they didn't realize she was that kind of a person puts some amount of blame on them as well. Or more correctly, the fact that she's the type to buy drugs puts some amount of blame on them and the way they raised her. Lloyd may have sold them, but she bought them.

It's a difficult situation, and that's why it was so tense to watch. KUDOS TO THE WRITERS. It's these kinds of scenes that confuse me as to WHY THEY CANCELED THIS GD SHOW!!

A difference of opinion alone does not a troll make.


Dude, you do realize everyone is different? and things effect some people more than others!!
Look at the kid who got bullied in school and then shot some of them, and have you seen monster? based on a true story.
Have you ever had a person who was so deeply in love with someone that they were blinded?! what about all the men and women who stay with their partner who abuses them. No-one forces them to stay but some do, it still happens. Feelings are feelings, you can't control your feelings.


It's pretty unrealistic that he would have gotten 25 years for that. First time offender, relatively wealthy, white, well educated, no way he gets that much time, especially since it was suicide. Parents of a dead child aren't going to think that rationally. Hell, Lloyd is a highly intelligent trained professional and not even he can think that rationally.


I'm late to the party, but I'm a criminal attorney. Lloyd, IRL, would NEVER have been convicted of manslaughter, voluntary, involuntary, or otherwise. Yes, selling prescriptions for controlled substances IS a crime, and it's quite possible that he would have faced jail time for that (depending on the extent of the fraud they could prove, possibly a lot of jail time.) But he never would have faced any homicide or manslaughter charges, and this is why:

He merely sold the girl the drugs (rather, the means to get the drugs.) His behavior is stupid and reckless, but he had no idea what she was going to do with them. Even had he known that she was depressed, doctors are in the position of having to provide potentially dangerous drugs to depressed patients every day (for example, morphine to cancer patients). If the girl had in fact told Lloyd what she was going to do with them, he would have had an obligation to either hospitalize her or alert the authorities, though, granted, that would have put him in a tricky position. But every indication is that Lloyd was as surprised as everyone else. If she had accidentally overdosed b.c., say, he mis-wrote the "prescription" for a lethal amount or carelessly prescribed a drug she was allergic to or interacted w. another drug she was taking, he *might* have faced some other charge, but ultimately the suicide superseded Lloyd's negligence. He wasn't playing Kevorkian here; he didn't "assist" her. He probably wrote the script just thinking she wanted to party, not knowing her true intentions.

Now, script fraud charges ARE a big deal, and in these days of "pill hysteria" he could have easily faced a pretty heavy sentence. Drug laws usually fall under what are called "mandatory sentencing guidelines" which basically means the judge would not have much, if any, discretion to adjust the sentence just because LLoyd was a educated professional and a first-time offender. It's still a bit unlikely that he would have been sentenced to a "max shack," like Rahway; more likely he would have gone to a minimum or medium security institution. He also almost certainly would have lost his license to practice medicine, either permanently or for a certain period (and most likely he would have been required to attend rehab, maintained a "program" like Gambler's Anonymous, & had his prescribing options restricted if he did get his license back.)

But the bottom line is this: however great Lloyd's guilt & the parents' anger, Lloyd is not guilty of anything beyond prescription fraud. Shea's drug dealing probably killed more people, and we know Erica is guilty of five murders even if it can't be proven.

So, I would say--in the final analysis Lloyd is not a murderer, neither legally nor morally. He IS guilty of prescription fraud, and any number of professional and health codes, and would probably be in hot water w. the IRS as well. But the girl's suicide is not his fault & no matter how much "creative lawyering" the prosecution put in, they couldn't make it so.

Well, sorry for writing a novel there. But I just wanted to clarify that although Lloyd can feel guilty all he wants (he IS my favorite character--in fact, this show got me started on a Jimmi-addiction lol) and the character does have a lot to answer for, the fact is he didn't make the girl kill herself bc she was depressed about a breakup. People routinely get less time for second (sometimes even first) degree murder. Manslaughter of any stripe usually maxes out at 12-15 years in most states, and in many states not even that much. So, what with parole & good-time credit, in actuality means a *lot* less.


It's pretty unrealistic that he would have gotten 25 years for that.

I always thought so too. I just rewatched the pilot, and I think Lloyd might be referring to 25 years as the doubled sentence that Charlie threatened if they went back.

( I realize that your post is 8 months old, but so are all the rest of the few posts here. It makes me sad.)

I understand. Thank you for telling me. -The masked bandit


There's the basic inconsistency with the war on drugs.
Abdication of personal responsibility.
