MovieChat Forums > Age of Heroes (2011) Discussion > Norwegian family massacre

Norwegian family massacre

Part where evil nazis killed whole norwegian family because they somewhy denied that they saw random british soldiers ...

... classic!

Deffinetly my favorite part of the movie. Soviet russian hardcore propaganda literature classic!



We are talking about different things. I will never believe that random peasant will sacrifice his whole family for random british soldiers.

Like i said, those things happened only in soviet propaganda literature.




I have nothing against british soldiers.
Let me say it again, this time little slower - no father will EVER sacrifice his whole 10 member family for any bunch of anonymous soldiers even if they were from their own nation.



Yea. That was pretty silly. Seriously, what a *beep* movie.



Whole cities were completely laid to waste in Norway by the germans. So there were good reasons to resist. Many ended up in camps because they did not tell the truth to the germans, or simply for having a family member that was part of the resistance. A lot of farmers in Norway hid military personell and people of the resistance when the germans came for them, so they could get over the border to Sweden. Such events actually happened, and for this film, its a true story.
The only russians in norway at this time by the way, was prisoners.

Others may know more facts and details about this, but I think this is pretty much correct.


Whole cities were completely laid to waste in Norway by the germans.

Such as?

Bona fide examples with links would be useful.

Norway suffered comparatively little in WW2. Even though the Nazis occupied Norway for 5 years and at it's peak there were as many as 400,000 German personnel stationed there, 'only' around 10,000 Norwegians (including military) died during 5 long years in WW2 as a result of the war. That is an extremely low figure, all things considered.



Your response is mind-bogglingly insensitive.

How is presenting facts 'insensitive'?

Less than 10,000 Norwegians died as a result of war activity in the 5 years that Nazi Germany occupied Norway. In WW2 terms that was comparatively little.

There wasn't mass genocide or mass brutalisation of the population of Norway by the Germans during WW2.

Do you seriously want to argue otherwise?

10k people dying/disappearing was 10k too many.

Yeah of course it was, but 25 million Soviets, 10 million Chinese, 5 million Germans, half a million Brits/Italians/French etc etc was far far worse IN COMPARISON.

Norway suffered comparatively little ?????

Yeah comparatively little for a country which was occupied for 5 years by hundreds of thousands of German personnel.

I rather think the Norwegians would have more to say about this!

Let's hear from them then. I'd like to know how the average person in Norway suffered like those in Poland or Ukraine etc.

I'm all ears.

Which State do you live in as a matter of interest ?

I don't live in a 'State'. I live in England.

Look, there were 400,000 German personnel stationed in Norway. Considering there was an invasion in 1940 and actual battles raging during certain moments of those 5 years, as Norway was of great strategic importance, I would say that 10,000 deaths (including military) is COMPARATIVELY light in the overall context of WW2 casualties.

You do understand the concept of 'comparison', don't you?

By the way, can YOU give me the names of these "whole cities that were completely laid to waste in Norway by the Germans"? Can you name just one? Did Oslo end up like Stalingrad or Warsaw? Presumably you are agreeing with the other poster who made this claim, right?

The Germans did not go around raping, pillaging and slaughtering the good people of Norway in general.



Can't for the Life of me understand why you seem to be dismissing poor Norway's dreadful WWII experiences.

I didn't. I didn't say "nothing happened to them".

I'm correcting any notion that people might have (based on this film and posts in this thread) that the Germans, who occupied Norway for 5 years and had almost half a million personnel stationed there, typically went around committing genocide and mass slaughter or laying waste to entire cities there. They did not.

How about you try and address what the other poster claimed? It seems to be you are not interested in arguing that the Germans in Norway did such things. You seem to be fine with people vastly exaggerating German misdeeds in Norway.

All I did was present facts, which you seem to have a problem with, yet you have no problem with somebody who is presenting fantasy and cliched claptrap.

""Whole cities were completely laid to waste in Norway by the germans.""

I mean, really! Why don't you have a problem with this fantasy claim? This is NORWAY we are talking about. Next thing someone will argue that the Germans flattened Denmark into the dust LOL.

If the Germans typically went around laying waste to entire cities in Norway then the civilian deaths alone would have been in the hundreds of thousands ballpark.

As it was, around 6,500 civilians in Norway died in WW2. More than that volunteered for the Waffen SS...some 15,000 of them:



The 'fact' that isn't being mentioned.......the movie wasn't about the German regular army committing crimes, it was about the SS. The SS was known for this behavior, regardless of where they were stationed.

As for the lack of damage or 'death count' that Norway suffered during the war, they weren't generally subject to the large scale bombing or warfare within Europe in general. Rest assured, thousands suffered, be it regular citizens, Norweigen (sp?) Jews, etc......


In the northern part of Norway (Finnmark & Troms) all cities was completely burned down to the ground. In fact, every single house in the region was burned.

Larger places burned down to the ground:

- Alta
- BerlevÄg
- Hammerfest
- HonningsvÄg
- Karasjok
- Kautokeino
- Lakselv
- SkjervĂžy
- Storslett
- KvĂŠnangen

Larger places bombed:

- Kirkenes (320 bomb raids against the city)
- VadsĂž
- VardĂž

Image from Hammerfest:

Other places bombed:

- SvolvĂŠr
- Narvik
- Bjerkvik
- Namsos
- Kristiansund
- Ålesund
- BodĂž
- Steinkjer
- Molde
- Åndalsnes

The city Elverum was the first city in the world to be completely destroyed by airial bombing.


80,000 norwegians fled into exile. 20,000 were interned at grini. thousands still in norway formed the resistance. the initial argument was whether it was realistic for the family at the farm to aid british soldiers, and the answer to that is yes.,1710101

your attempts to compare the number of dead in norway to the numbers in other countries are laughable. the population of norway at the time was only about 3 million. norway had for years had a policy of disarmament, so their armies were little equipped to resist the initial invasion. the norweigian fascist party was also colluding with the nazis, even before the war. i'm not sure what the other poster meant by "laying waste," but there was definitely looting and murder by germans in norway.


By the way, can YOU give me the names of these "whole cities that were completely laid to waste in Norway by the Germans"?

Here we go

Theese cities were all burned and bombed to the ground.


Buddy, this could be my favourite post on the entire internet.

Even including ones with nude ladies.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass"
"You will suffer me"


Indeed. In fact, more cities were "laid to waste" (or at least damaged)by *British* bombing of occupied Norway.


there was not much bombing of that kind in Norway in WW2...there was little in the way of level bombing of industrial targets in Norway, in the way that occurred in occupied France and other countries in mainland occupied Europe..and ultimately, Norway was not actually re-conquered b4 the war ended.

Damage to city buildings or dwellings would have been rare and almost negligible.

the most infamous incident in Norway or Denmark did occur when RAF mosquitoes targeted a Gestapo HQ in Copenhagen..the lead plane misidentified target and bombed a school what made things worse, is that several planes following followed leader's lead and bombed on same target, b4 the mistake was realised..a tragedy with a significant number of school children killed ensued.


I don't believe the school was misidentified, but one of the lead planes hit a 30m tall lamp-post or a building (I've seen both versions - they were flying extremely low) and crashed and was on fire at the school, then some of the following planes thought it was the target marked by the lead bombers and bombed it. Very sad. The Gestapo headquarters was destroyed and a surprising number of prisoners survived.


Well considering that Norway was far from as populated as other countries the numbers are actually not that low at all...


Yes they still are. 0.32 % of the total 1939 population. Leaving considerations such as "one death is one death too many" aside, do you honestly consider a death toll that doesn't even reach half a percent of the total population to be high?

Military deaths were 2,000 regular forces; 1,500 resistance fighters and political prisoners. Civilian dead include 3,600 merchant marine, 1,800 war related civilian deaths and 700 Jews. The 700 deaths with German Armed Forces are included with Germany on this schedule.[250] The Norwegian Foreign Ministry reported that "10,262 Norwegians had been killed, including 3,670 seamen. The Germans had executed 366 and tortured 39 to death. Among political prisoners and members of the underground, 658 died at home and 1,433 abroad. About 6,000 Norwegians had served the German war cause, and 709 of them had fallen in battle.[251] Jewish Holocaust victims totaled 728.

Yes there were executions and atrocities but the more important question is whether the movie needed to include one. Not that I think it's particularly relevant though because the movie was clearly trying to establish some sort of "bad guy" and showing how ruthless they were and what's one more SS movie atrocity, right?


Acctually I don`t think ANY casualtie numbers should be considered "high" compared to Germany, Sovjet or Portugees Timor.(11, 14 and 16%) if we are holding to your standards.

I think amount of soldiers, warfare activity in general through history and network (who knows who - how many ACCTUALLY gets touch by a 0.32% death toll in Norway, a country thats so small that everyone knows everyone.)

Just crushing the numbers does not take the whole impact of these deaths into account.

For example: Over 13 000 sovjet POWS died in norway during the war. Many of them was in camps close to populated communites, and some of them was able to connect with the locals. These deaths as well touch humans. And these kinds of deaths were all over the world, and touched everybody. Numbers doesnt tell us squat about how terrible it was for the countries around the globe.

They are just statistics.

Its like saying "that didnt hurt" to a child that just fell of his bike and scratch his knee.. maybe the kid thought it hurt.


Your information is incomplete, you all state Soviet death toll, German... As all time high, compared to % of population, it wasn't, not even close!!! Death toll od Yugoslavia in WWI was 1,5 milion, which was 1/4, and in WWII it was 1,7 milion, again around the same percentage, as long as you're talking about extermination, raping, killings... You should know that as the WORST example, side to side with Holocaust and Arminian genocide (see below before answering)!!!
The highest civilian death toll in a day, execution style, was 3000 people, including children who were taken from school, 1/5 or 1/6 of population of Kragujevac!!!
Highest bombing death/wounded toll was in 1944 of about 4 200 in Belgrade (3000 in the old city, 1200 in Zemun, then a separate city from Belgrade, now part of it), by US bombers!!!!
Also, there was the ONLY war camp in the world for kids, created by Ustase and Nazis, for Serbs, thousends died there, more than 7000 were forcefuly converted to catholics (we are Orthodox), as were some 150 000 adults to avoid war camp Jasenovac, in which 700 000 Serbs (22 000 Jews and 35 000 Roma) were exterminated, that was 80% of the population of Serbs in the ocupied area!!!!!!!!!

And you quarel so hard and long about how many parts of a PERCENT of population of a small Norwai died, as if it was the most horrible thing that happened in WWII???

Let me tell you something "interesting", in the middle ages, there were 1 milion MORE Serbs than Brits (now ~10 milion), there were as many Arminians as Brits (now ~4 milion), gruesome GENOCIDES happened since that time right thru modern time, so stop bit... about it for 3 pages, compared to what I gave you (to think about) that was nothing, a mere "bad day in the Balkans"... CHILL!!!!


I note that you write "see below before answering", and reply to my post as if I quarrel anything. You should have read MY post before replying to it.

I`ll serve it to you in clear text:

There is no use in crushing the numbers and competing about "worst of WW2" because the fact is that that is 100% individual. How hard someone got touched by the terror of WW2 is only measured by how they personally got scarred by it.

The WW2 was terrible for every country it touched. As are all wars in history.

I seek to learn from the errors human kind do, not score forum points.

Troll away.


You are wrong. He is right.

Norway got off easy compared to the other countries. Simple as that. You can argue all you like about how every life is precious and different, but numbers are numbers.


To Srbine!


A Whole town in Sund where burned down amon.. Cities no, but a lot of towns...


Yup, TelavÄg. Surprised no one mentioned it, as it is one of the more well known massacres here in Norway.


'only' around 10,000 Norwegians (including military) died during 5 long years in WW2 as a result of the war. That is an extremely low figure, all things considered.

A better measure would be what percentage of the population died. I think 10,000 would be a lot back then.


well, it was a cliché.

not sure, but maybe they didnt like nazi germany.

its not how much they loved the british commandoes. it was how much they disliked being invaded by a thug army. it brings out some heroism, even though obviously it was a dramatization.

"It doesn't matter what Bram Stoker has told you... dead people don't come back from their graves"


It's fiction remember, not real - just a dumb movie for dumb idiots. The fact remains no matter how many uneducated 'amateur historians' try to spin it that the German occupation of Norway was relatively benign. This offends many on the liberal-Left because it 'does not compute' with their world-view. The so-called 'cities wiped off the map' garbage just didn't happen. Many small towns were burned in the north of Norway during the 1944/ 45 German retreat as they moved back from Soviet territory (scorched earth policies were standard practice for the Germans and Russians when retreating to deny the enemy resources) - after the civilians had been evacuated. The towns were empty - Duuuh. Earlier in the war there was some severe fighting and Norwegian forces put up a heroic resistance for 2 months against superior German forces - people died believe it or not.
There are online photo resources of the German occupation, many taken from German soldiers own captured phot albums. I have viewed masses of the stuff and over and over again it's the same story. German troops moving freely among the civilian population without a care in the world, often unarmed, lots of fraternisation, lots of Norwegians actively working with the Germans. Germany even raised military units from among the Norwegian population (including some former Norwegian soldiers). No matter how much you want it to be otherwise, it just wasn't.


When I watched the movie, the way I saw that scene was he (the father) knew the nazis were going to kill his family either way, so he didn't want to give them the satisfaction of telling them the truth. We have no reason to believe the nazis would have spared them had they told the truth.

You don't choose the soy sauce, the soy sauce chooses you.
