utter drivel

what rubbish is this with all the excessive slow motion? christ the plot just got too ridiculous when that girl student revealed that she was the 'lunacy incident'


She wasn't the girl that committed the '' lunacy incident '' she tried to copy her in some way.


how'd you like to love me forever


She wasn't Lunacy?


From what i saw in the movie, no... but i could be wrong.


how'd you like to love me forever


she was the lunacy incident


No she wasn't. The novel explains it clearly. She just had the same idea as Lunacy to poison her family.


She clearly said that she was NOT Lunacy in the movie. She said, deep down inside, she felt that Lunacy was her alter ego, that's why she envied and worshiped her.

Either that you watched a horribly translated version, or that you didn't pay attention and failed in logic.


yep. i agree. just finished watching it.
so boring and relentlessly miserable. the tone. the colours. the story. everything.
just a dreadful waste of time.
no interaction or dialogue whatsoever, just repetitive narrative explanation, scen after scene after scene...


Meh, not drivel, not a masterpiece either though. Somewhere in the middle. It was too long and drawn out in parts it didn't need to be. I don't know why they feel the need to make it an hour and 45 mins when an hour and a half of interesting footage would be hard for this movie to fill.

"Did you mean for all those words to come out like that or did they just fall out randomly?"-H.H.


high school musical is thataway ->

fark off please


I thought it was shot rather beautifully at times and I can understand that people don't want to be told the entire story through deliberate dialogue when they could be shown so much more...but I really loved the way the whole plot unfolded. So, thumbs up from me.

Oh, great soundtrack too.


So you decided the movie sucks because you misunderstood some of the plot? LOL


Every thread bashing a movie I like seems to be inherently flawed but for some reason I can't help clicking them to see the poster get corrected.

You misunderstood the plot, your argument is irrelevant.



It's interesting that Japanese movies have a unique feel to them. Some of the plot contrivances are just things you wouldn't see in a Western movie, for better or for worse.

Overall I didn't like it--I felt it was too drawn out and unsatisfying. I assumed her revenge would be a lot more subtle, but it was really just grotesque and over the top.

I'm unsure if this was meant to be a black comedy. I don't think I can read Japanese people very well, even though I have no trouble with Korean or Chinese movies.


"It's interesting that Japanese movies have a unique feel to them. Some of the plot contrivances are just things you wouldn't see in a Western movie, for better or for worse.

Overall I didn't like it--I felt it was too drawn out and unsatisfying. I assumed her revenge would be a lot more subtle, but it was really just grotesque and over the top.

I'm unsure if this was meant to be a black comedy. I don't think I can read Japanese people very well, even though I have no trouble with Korean or Chinese movies. "

I completely agree. The final revenge being way too grotesque and over the top was the first thing I thought after I watched it.

And I also was confused by the black comedy in the movie. Some of it felt really awkward and out of place. A lot of other Japanese directors like Takashi Miike insert a lot of black comedy in otherwise serious movies, which is really odd to me. The humor in Korean and Chinese movies is much more straightforward to me. Like in Oldboy, there's quite a bit of dark comedy early on, and I think it works really well as comic relief and never seems awkward or out of place.


First of all this as a black comedy, and the ridiculous plot is supposed to be amusing in a rather chilling way.

Somebody here has been drinking and I'm sad to say it ain't me - Allan Francis Doyle


Confession's was a waste of an amazing setup imo, not terrible by any means but certainly not a film I can see myself watching again anytime soon and being someone who was sick of the whole teenagers are above the law, out of control scum crap even when I was a teenager (the 1990's) I found it all pretty pointless.


I just don't understand why the students do not tell other people, the police, whatever that their teacher was a *beep* psycho. Why they don't call police to bust her at the same second she told she put HIV in the milk?


The students are obviously idiots.

They don't care. And frankly they don't like Boy A nor Boy B anyway. Plus what evidence? Their word against the teacher? Please.

Besides the students did tell other people. The police said it was an accident and ended it there.

I'm not sure if you watched the movie at all.


The cops told that the pool incident was an accident. I am talking about the revenge of putting the contamined blood in the milk.

Even if they don't care about A and B, it is very freak to know that yout teacher is that sick to do this kind of stuff.




you really didn't get this movie. It is very much about human nature.
And prepuperescent teens are very much in search of identity (skillfully put into the movies context). Such identity comes especially in form of people of the same age groups whom the media bestows with recognition.

And what is more fascinating than slow motion...i.e. perceiving a time domain otherwise not perceivable for humans.

Given how well Inception did, putting those NASA-coinvented -HR cameras to work, yet lacking a proper story as well as judging from slomo youtube hits, I'd say most people take kindly to slow motion.

Life's too short for mediocrity.
