MovieChat Forums > Kokuhaku (2010) Discussion > indirect revenge movies are silly

indirect revenge movies are silly

unless you kill the true perpetrator as a final act, your revenge is pointless.

here's what filmakers want to make us believe. that a sociopathic person can be made to feel awful by the loss of a loved one.

the reality is, if they had any sort of fondness for the dead person, they'd get over it very quickly. that's why they're sociopaths.

you know what the ending would be like if you turned on the reality switch? she'd tell him "just kidding" and he'll just shrug and say, "that doesn't bring back your dead daughter, dumbass"



I think you're missing the point of the vengeance genre. A lot of conflict resolutions are never as simple an eye for an eye. It's about forcing someone to feel the same complex emotions of despair, loss, and suffering that you felt. So a scenario where that happens has to be set up by the perpetrator. Of course, completely normal sane people wouldn't go to the lengths that the characters in the movies do to extract their revenge, so it's clear there's a degree of insanity in them.


Did you even watch the movie OP or are you just an idiot?


Still, I think the OP has a point. I'm not really sure what this movie was trying to say. Most of the characters are despicable people motivated by revenge, hatred, or deluded admiration. As a story, I can't find anything approaching a moral. Okay, there doesn't have to be a moral, but there has to be a point. Drama, I suppose?

"Just forget you ever saw it. It's better that way."


