MovieChat Forums > Kokuhaku (2010) Discussion > QUESTION ABOUT WERTHER- THE NEW TEACHER!...


Hello all, watched this last night on Film Four (UK Channel) was truly mesmerised by the cinematography, characterisation...acting is brilliant! sheer talent is well displayed by Yuko and the main students!

I 've got a did the teacher Yuko involve the NEW TEACHER Wrether? In the cofee shop where mizuki meets yuko she saids...'i want to kill Wrether'..what exactly did he do?...Yuko mentions she advised Wrether to visit Nakuo's house everyday just to check up on him & his mother!

I know after Nakuo kills his mother...the next scene sees Wrether advising Mizuki...'Just tell the police exactly what happened'.....from there she dislikes Wrether....said she wants to put PILLS in his tea! :(


Thank you xxxxxx

PS sick ending...with the quote....'JUST KIDDING'!!!! ACE! :):):):)


yea... im confused too. can someone help??


The funny thing with the final quote (nantene) is that it's the same as what Shûya said when he was about to press the trigger. Since she was in the same room, I guess she overheard him say that, so she's basically moving the knife in his wound.

As for Werther, I didn't get the feeling that she had anything against him... He was just a pawn in her master plan, like any other replacement teacher could have been in his place.
I think that Mizuki simply implied that she'd rather put the blame on Werther (because 'he was there' and he indeed played a part in Naoki's mental breakdown) than her boyfriend, as shown in the pre-interview shot they played twice (meaning she obviously talked with Shûya beforehand and they decided on a common testimony).
I don't think Werther is in any trouble, though... There is no evidence to link him with the intent of making the family go crazy. If anything -- he only showed enthusiasm to help, and all other pupils could testify about that.
I'm not sure why this was even mentioned in the movie, though... It seemed like a trivial plot point to me, one that didn't make the story move forward.

Then again, that particularly story doesn't always move forward!


She explains in the coffee shop how she involved him. She essentially played on his desire to be a good teacher in order to indirectly keep reminding both the boys about what they did.

That was it... everything the boys do is because they are pushed to their limits by the constant reminder of what they did.

Mizuki just could not handle the truth. I am pretty sure she is the one who mentions early on about how bullies do what they do to hide from a greater truth... she falls victim to her own thoughts on this matter. It is easily to put the blame onto someone else. Its one of the themes of the story. People displacing blame when they are responsible for their own actions.

His role was just to highlight the hypocritical stance of characters like Miyuki and Shuuya.

Movie Review Blog:


Werther was an innocent teacher who followed Sakuramiya's teachings and as a substitute teacher must have contacted Moriguchi as to how to deal with the students....

Moriguchi knew that her confession could lead to 2 possibilities.
1.the kid refuses to come to school fearing his last days
2.The kid could come to school even though he will be an outcast

So she had plans for both possibilities.
When Naoko didnt come to school,Moriguchi advised Werther to meet him at home thereby aggravating his problem

For Shuya,Moriguchi secretly sent mails about collecting points by hurting Shuya ,forcing him to stop school and then escalating by sending a secret letter to Werther about it as she knew it would only increase the attacks

But Shuya wriggled out of it...However,using Mizuki,she was able to find his weak spot and attack him there

So therefore,Werther was indirectly responsible for the problems for both kids
