is this HORROR ??

is this a HORROR movie or just a VENGEANCE movie like OLDBOY ???


It's in the same vein as oldboy, but it's slower and don't have the great action scenes that oldboy has.


It's more of a thinking-type of vengeance movie. There's no horror elements but I guess the way it's filmed you could draw similarities to horror films.


It's a dark melodrama with tinges of psychological horror in it similar to Oldboy, Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Lady Vengeance, etc.


Y'know, afterwards, to describe the film, how it sounds on paper it sounds like one of these shock cinema extreme Asia-type movies, that you might call horror – something in the vein of Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance or some of the others people are comparing it to here in other threads. But in actuality its execution is so totally different from that it'd be a disservice to call it that. It's a completely serious film and it plays out like, like an art film. At first I was put off by its style a bit (it seemed a touch artsy-fartsy for my liking ;p), but as it goes on... it's a fascinating exploration of the teenage psyche, of the mindset behind these school shooting-type scenarios, of violence begetting more violence... it's heavy stuff, but ultimately its style worked for me and... I'm not sure I can think of another film to compare it to; it's a breathtaking experience.

It's about as *beep* up as some of these other films – Cold Fish, Audition, the Vengeance trilogy, etc – and many of those are excellent in their own right, but... I'm not the only one making this distinction, right?

--- grethiwha -------- My Favourite Films:
