MovieChat Forums > Kokuhaku (2010) Discussion > Stupid Teenagers dont know about HIV

Stupid Teenagers dont know about HIV

It was a great movie .. but for me a big message of the movie is how they show the stupidness of the teenagers ... they all have mobiles and internet all around, but no one seems to know anything about HIV and Aids... blood in milk ... OMG


You'd be surprised just how little many people know about AIDS and HIV, even in America and the UK where there's a constant campaign in schools and media trying to educate people about it.


Teens are dumb. They love crap music and movies. This surprises you?


I would like to see someone drops HIV+ blood in ur food and see ur reaction when found out.

Most Versatile Actress Ever


AIDS is barely a relevant issue in Japan, so there isn't much concern or awareness about it amongst the Japanese population in general.

In December 2009, the World Health Organization reports the number of HIV cases in Japan to be at least 17,000.[3] This equates to roughly 0.01% of the population of Japan, one of the lowest ratios of reported HIV in the world.

Japan has reported 9,953 HIV cases and 4,671 AIDS cases as of August 2008,of which 6,503 HIV and 3,002 AIDS cases were in the Kantō region (which hosts about one third of Japan's population).[4]


Even though the figures are low, I'd say its an issue, HIV is quite often in the spotlight due to various hospital errors over the years (, and more recently the homosexual who donated blood to test if he was HIV or not).

But they mostly treat it the same way as any other virus/disease, simply stay well away (similar to victims of minamata disease A number of people don't really care about how unlikely it is they'll contract something, if you're infected you're just not normal anymore and "contagious".

It also has the stigma of being a "foreign" disease, and that attitude of not even touching someone is common among a number of Asians ranging from Taiwan, South Korea to Japan. As a foreigner in Asia you'll sometimes very rarely come across these types even when they don't know you.


The whole movie is stupid.
