MovieChat Forums > Loong Boonmee raleuk chat (2010) Discussion > Sooooo boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz or did I...

Sooooo boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz or did I miss the point?

I must say I was expecting something else, something more 'interesting'. It started out fine, but went downhill after the 'Princess' scene. I hate it when celluloid space is wasted (and our time) by having characters walking real slowly, walking and walking and walking....yes we get the picture, get on with it!!!!!

I did like the ghost monkey scenes etc, but this seems like it is just a wasted opportunity.

Or did I miss the whole point of the film???? I know one of the things it was probably trying to do was to make some kind of analogy between the 'old' world and the 'modern' world, how we keep on repeating the same mistakes, so if it isn't one 'authority', it is another that we are fighting, etc, but was that just it?

Was there anything else I have missed?



Well it wasn't 'awseome'. If you love walking scenes you should see White Noise...has lots and lots and lots of walking (nearly put me to sleep too!).


To answer your question OP, yes, you missed the point.

"Stop calling me Muggeridge!"


If you like walking scenes you definitely shouldn't miss Gus van Sant's Gerry. ;)

ENOUGH from the clown!!!!!!!!




It's quite misleading to compare Uncle Boonmee... to Belá Tarr and Gerry. It's got a lot more going on than both of those. (I think that all three are completely brilliant)


I didn´t like it. Pretty boring.



I don't know, I found it fascinating. I'm dying to watch it again as soon as possible.



I'm dying to watch it again as soon as possible.
Hopefully you'll see it again soon, but if not, there's always the next life ...
