Sergei's Family

Radio guy on the other end said that Sergei's family got into an accident and his wife and son are in "serious condition". When Pasha finally gives the message to Sergei he says that his family is dead. Ok...
are they dead or not?


When the Pasha wrote down the message the guy on the other end said that he "better write" that they had been seriously injured. It was implied that they were really dead but that perhaps Sergei would take it better if he didn't get all information at once.


thank you


I thought it was weird that Sergei insisted on staying, rather than leaving to attend his family's funeral and take care of other matters concerning their death.


I read it as Sergey had now reason to leave since his family was gone and that the island was his home now.


I thought it was weird that Sergei insisted on staying, rather than leaving to attend his family's funeral and take care of other matters concerning their death.

I'm guessing that Sergei was the kind of person to deal with death in his own personal way as opposed to a ceremonial kind of way. When someone has died, they are gone, there's nothing that can be done. Funerals are basically for show and he was not a showy guy. And I know some people make their own funeral arrangements before they die, there are plans one can purchase so these matters are dealt with for years (or decades) before a death occurs.
