Spoilers and other nonsense...

I just saw this on dramacrazy dot net(great site btw)and thought this a cute
romantic comedy-the lead players were very good.one assumes the boy and girl
( in any of these movies) will get together at the end,so we just follow along
and enjoy the journey with them.
if anyone would like to write an opinion about the boxing match at the end of
the movie--I didn't really get the idea of it myself."Junk-man" finally admits
to himself he has been cowardly, but it's more an emotional problem and I don't
see why getting into a ring with a trained athlete and getting the snot pounded
out of you helps any. He was hiding from the memory and feelings of hurting the
other guy that was in the hospital(although we learn he also visited and tried
to help money wise).
I guess because I am not a physical/competitive personality I wouldn't
understand why he did that.
in the first "My Tutor Friend" movie there were 3 huge fight scenes-which I
also didn't understand-I sort of hate to type this, but is this like the
cliche in western movies of car chases/gun play/stuff blowing up ? is it sort
of expected ?
