Will there be a follow-up?

I enjoyed this 3-episode miniseries, but I felt that it stopped short.

In the third episode, concepts of neutrons becoming protons, and other non-chemical processes are introduced without explanation. In the second or third episode, there's a demonstration of carbon's ability to participate in a wide range of compounds.

I see three possible ways the series could continue or spin off:

Go larger. A fourth episode on the expected stability of certain heavier atoms above 119, a better description of the lanthanides and actinides, which were not really described as distinct from other metals, and suspected limits to atomic number. Include different periodic tables: spiral, extended, Janet left-step, and further including table of nuclides.


Go more complex. A fourth episode on organic compounds.


Go smaller. A three-part series on elementary "particles" in the Standard Model: fermions (quarks, leptons), guage bosons, and the suspected Higgs boson. It would also be interesting to include hadrons (baryons, mesons) composed of quarks.
