Major plot hole

Why is it that the zombies are slow stumblers, but the more decayed zombies (the bones) can run?...


No dead weight? xD


It might just be the way the virus or whatever creates the zombies progresses. It starts off only controlling some parts of the brain but eventually takes over the entire nervous system, giving the Bonies more coordination and speed than normal zombies


I love it when people look for plot holes in movies that have no way of happening in real life.

"This zombie movie didn't make sense!"

Of course it didn't. Zombies aren't real, so there is no science that can be applied to this to make it REAL.


Oh gosh, not one of you people lol.

Every movie operates in a reality. Some movies are true, and operate in the same reality we live in, with the same rules. You won't see a true story about WWII and have aliens and dinosaurs in it.

Movies like Star Wars and Harry Potter are fictional, but they still have to operate in the rules they set for themselves. So in HP if they said "hey people can't fly" and then randomly they had flying people, the audience could say "excuse me, wtf, you said no flying people, so, you can just have people fly." Your argument says "well it's fictional, so, they can fly, who cares, it's not real."

Do you see how that statement is wrong now?


LOl..your so right! A couple things I will comment on. I hate this over used and misused term: "plot hole". 95% of the time it's misused. A plot hole is something that would make the entire story not workable at all. Most things that people call plot holes are just contradictory script errors. In the posters example it is not even a script error because in this movie no set of zombie facts were established and zombie movies do not follow a universal set of rules. To give the benefit of the doubt, it is possible for a fantasy film to contradict itself if set facts and rules were set in that world the writer has established.
This next thing you will find even funnier that grown up posters use all the time. I have a list catch phrases people use that I just hate. Another one on that list next to plot hole is "suspension of disbelief". In one of the Hobbit movie's an adult poster was angry and very upset that he had to use his "suspension of disbelief" that Bilbo's location was not pinpointed by the dragon when Bilbo was sneaking around his lair....hmmmmm... Someone replied that since it was no big deal for him to use his "suspension of disbelief" in that there are no such thing as Hobbits, Goblins, Wizards or even dragons for that matter,then what was the big deal?!.....


Major plot hole
image for user NinjaXCV
by NinjaXCV
ยป Wed Feb 4 2015 23:39:56
IMDb member since December 2002
Why is it that the zombies are slow stumblers, but the more decayed zombies (the bones) can run?...

It's fiction. They can do whatever they want with it.


The "bonies" were in training for the upcoming Zombie Olympics in Montreal.


I believe that the regular zombies shuffle around when merely moving from one place to another, but when attacking (noticeable in the scene in which R and Julie meet) they seem to have no problems moving with speed. As to whether regular zombies can move with an alacrity similar to bonies, we must request from the director the results of whatever testing they did on the extras.


Because the movie was a commentary on how people become numb with the regular motions of life not knowing where to go anymore. We become zombies.

The bonies were people that were already too gone to come back. They weren't lost. They weren't unsure. They gave up on humanity and were looking to make others as vapid and useless as they are.

personally I felt like the characteristics you point out were an incredibly important feature of both groups.
