Ridiculous movie

Movies like this that are rated so highly by critics and IMDB users is why I no longer have faith in reviews/ratings.

Soo-Hyeon decides to catch the killer and then keep releasing him as some sort of game, he doesn't give a crap about the damage he does whilst he released back into the public.

From my memory a school girl is almost raped, a nurse is forced to perform oral sex, a taxi driver and passenger are killed, the pharmacist probably died, and his fiancée's father and sister are also dead or thereabouts.

He then tops it off by making the killers family, who have disowned him, visit their son/father and see his head chopped off. Brilliant stuff.


Just because you disagree with the main character's ideas and motivations doesn't mean it's a bad movie or that it deserves low ratings.


I hear you but remember the promise he made to his fiancee. Sure he couldve just tortured him to death but i think he found some satisfaction in taking away what the killer loved doing most. I think the point of the movie was that he was just as bad as the killer. violence begets violence and there is no redemption in it. very disturbing movie but i like that it was courageous enough to just go for it.

"People need to shut the f-ck up and learn how to have fun"-The Dalai Lama


This your first korean thriller? Always, to each their own. Respectfully, you're crazy. Movies dont get any better than this


I thought that Soo-Hyeon was suppose to be a flawed character. The point of the movie was that his revenge on the killer does more damage, so when he makes those stupid decisions, it's suppose to be a reflection on how foolish revenge can be, isn't it?


The title doesnt just refer to the psychopath. Its also about Soo-hyeon. Get it? And by the way, those two guys in the taxi were robbers. The taxi driver was already in the trunk dead.

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.


** Possible Spoilers.

I found this too gory aswell, at parts I really looked away. But I think it fitted the nature of the movie, it's theme and more importantly it's message very well. I didn't depict as a type of violence like Saw and Hostel present. It's not meant to be entertaining. There were a couple of hints pointing out Soo-Hyeon should be careful and that the murderer changes him, that is what happened, I think the final scene made it clear the most, reaching the point where not only he doesnt care for so much for others, but truly wanted to hurt his family in some sort of way (even though the father hated him, I admin).

Oh and you should give spoiler alerts.




I enjoyed it. Original idea. Great acting. Cinematography was brilliant - just an all around fantastic film.


"This is just the beginning, remember this, your nightmare's only going to get worse"

This isn't a film about some 'perp' being caught by the husband of his murdered fiance. The point of the film is vengeance to the utmost degree. For some a quick fast punishment and 20 years isn't enough. The point was the chase, the punishment and the disaster that ensued.

Now, screw your dick back on, seriously, what's the point in watching films if all you want is the same old thing, you may as well watch the same old film, pick any bruce willis, liam neeson flick, hit play, you're done. Next time you want an action film, just rewind and play again. You got what you expected. How about for once allow films to be different, and allow them to be creditted for what they are.
