Found guy in 20 minutes

First of all, great film. One of the things I found funny though, was main character is given a list/pictures of 4-5 people the police say "commit similar crimes". What? They instantly know from thousands of Koreans who the possible killer/dismemberer of a young girl is? And they're right?! And the entire police force, who would have been motivated to get the guy, is one step behind our main character in pursuit of these guys? I realize suspended disbelief is required in an already lengthy movie, and the point was not in the finding of said killer, but in what happens to him when main character finds him. Still, it was enjoyable.


This is standard police procedure the world over. They already have a list of names in their community that commit similar crimes. Police get to know all the burglars in their neighborhood so when someone commits a burglary guess whose door they knock on? In terms of criminals that commit murder, crime is much much lower in Korea than it is in America, so that tends to narrow it down incredibly well.


I agree with this comment. To find the killer among 4-5 suspects is a longshot. The true killer could simply not be caught yet (i.e. for any crime); or he could have recently moved to the area; or this could be a one-time thing. And if there had been a series of murders, then you'd think that the police would have checked these 4-5 people out. (I don't know the search-and-seizure laws over there, but a search of his place would readily uncover all the loot.)


it was not 20 minutes. it was days at least.
police does not work the way you would like it to work. thats why there are so many movies with one guy doing what needs to be done.
third: this is korea. not usa.
totally plausible.
