
As a former resident of New Orleans, I have a personal connection to the city and I saw this film immediately after a visit to my former home. It just was not a great film. At one pointit almost feels like it's a documentary on Haiti and not NOLA. There is no real point other than "the government sucks and probably doesn't like black people"...something I could have told you without this movie. So much more could have been done with the money behind this documentary. Just not a great film because of the complete lack of focus.


I didn't think it was as good as "When the Levees Broke" but I did like how it followed up on some of the people from that documentary -- like the woman who moved to Utah, and a young man named Paris, and several others. The Haiti business was interesting in its own right but didn't seem to fit organically into the story. The part about the destruction of N. O. schools seemed prophetic, in the light of all the scandals about privateers and charter school pirates coming to light now.
