Wasted potential

I feel so bad watching the new episodes of Shameless. The first few episodes were some of the best television episodes ever. It truly was my favorite show, it was just so good. But now... where they took all the characters...

It just seems like wasted potential to be one of the great television shows. It was just so good and now so bad. ?


Agree, and Nancy Pimental is the worst writer for the show. She wrote that awful episode last week, 7.02


well i can't relate to you, i really liked these 2 episodes of season 7, reminds me a lot of season 2&3, imo season 6 was bad, season 5 was ehh but still kinda good tho


This could be shaping up to be a season of amusing filler with few intense moments. And I would be OK with that. I don't need another season of Liam almost dying from coke or whatever.
