No one really goes to watch a chick flick expecting it to mirror reality. I don't understand people who complain about how hollywood screws everything up and blows things out of proportion. People go to the movies to escape reality. YES, it's going to be unrealistic. YES it's going to be unbelievably exaggerated. But that's the whole point of chick flicks right?

I thought the movie was hilarious, I laughed out loud on more than one occasion, I think the actors were pretty good, Elizabeth Banks was the epitome of hilarity. I also teared in some of the scenes.

This movie was no work of art, but it was enjoyable. For people looking for a light and enjoyable chick's just that.


I laughed and cried, it was funny and serious at the same time.



It seems to me that some people confuse movies with documentaries.

Plus a lot of those who complain have very little (if any) actual experience of pregnancy.


But it wasn't funny or touching; it was stupid!



I put off watching it bc I though it would be stupid but I actually enjoyed it
