MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Entity (2009) Discussion > Paranormal Entity vs. Paranormal Activit...

Paranormal Entity vs. Paranormal Activity

Which do you think is better?
I have to say Entity a bit more, it had more jumps and shivers O_O

Love all vampires, sparkle and burn alike.
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Team Riley


both are pretty bad.

If you hate Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Another simple mind. lol


Entity was def better


Activity was a significantly more convincing film. The sister in this movie had ZERO emotion. Her crying didn't seem very convincing, the brother hesitated way too much when his MOTHER and SISTER were SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER.

I am way too glad I didn't have to pay to see this movie. This movie was a joke. In fact, I narrated most of it making fun of the brother. That was more entertaining than the movie was.



Entity is a total ripoff of Activity made by people with no skill whatsoever. A boring attempt to capitalize on the popularity of the much better movie.




It's funny that anyone thinks Paranormal Activity was original. It wasn't. It had been done before also. It's just two similar films. Happens all the time. There have been many fake documentaries of haunted houses. Almost all of them done better than Paranormal Activity, which bored me into cleaning the living room while it was on.

Paranormal Entity isn't the best of such films but it is better than Paranormal Activity. At least I wasn't hoping the people would just shut up and die already like with Paranormal Activity. Man, they were annoying.


"It's just two similar films. Happens all the time."

that should be The Asylum's slogan


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.


Paranormal Activity was really boring next to this one, and the actors were more annoying. In Entity, the lines came out better than the "forced acting" of Activity.


Paranormal Activity had the imagination at least.

Really can't say it didn't. Made with like 11k and gross 197 million... Not a bad score if you ask me :p


Entity for me. But they were both garbage.
Films with anticlimaxes this bad, should be put down at birth.


Activity hands down.

Aside from the rapist demon fooling around with Dad's ashes, nothing was there to genuinely keep my interested.

Everyone seems to be hating on the Activity couple and their acting but I'm confused because the actors in Entity were horrible.
Maybe I live in an alternate universe but I know quite a few Katie and Micah-esque couples.

I get you liked the Samanthas bewbs and that apparently seems to make up for the lolcutter Mom and shrieking Brother. Going back to the Sam- well I certainly hope she isn't dead behind the eyes in real life.


Agreed, these actors were so horrible and non convincing at all. Sam looked terribly annoyed the entire time that she was even making the movie, the brother was weird and girly in a way, and the mom was probably the best of the bunch (which isn't saying much). I usually can find good in any movie but I thought this was genuinely bad and I loved Paranormal Activity. It basically took almost all the good scares in PA and tried (and subsequently failed) to remake them. Didn't work for me.

You were scared?
Yeah, I thought you knew that about me...


Entity. Technically it is no great achievement, there are a lot of goofs and a very blatant writing continuity error (in the beginning, Thomas calls 911 saying the thing killed his mother and sister, but in the end Ellen kills herself because she apparently discovered her children were dead? C'mon, pick one or the other.)

That said, the suspense was handled much more skillfully, I felt. The scene with the banging sounds coming from the ceiling as the family gathers in the living room was fairly creepifying and the rape scene at the end had my jaw on the floor. Long scenes of thumps and crashes and screams (I really enjoyed the bell scene) built the suspense for me until that final scene. Gave me shudders.

Activity left me sorely disappointed. It was not scary or suspenseful in the least, and I saw all of the "scares" coming a mile away. (The oujia board? Really? You leave a camera pointed at something, we know something is going to happen to it. At least the something in Entity was a room with multiple points of interest. Kept me guessing as to what was going to fly across the room next.)

And on top of that the characters/actors in Activity were completely intolerable. I do feel that made a difference to me; I liked the mother/daughter/brother dynamic in Entity; while there was not much acting to be had from the brother because of his position behind the camera, the two ladies were much more realistic to me than the girl in Activity. (And don't even get me started on Micah. I couldn't decide if I wanted to strangle him because he was a bad actor or a bad boyfriend.)

Yeah, Entity was an almost complete rip-off, but I definitely enjoyed it more, and I felt it took a good idea and did it better.
[ Albert. Dead men don't ride rollercoasters. ]


No way PA is much better- I didn't like how we just go from the people talking to all of a sudden the dude's dead and the sister's killed. It's like uh- what happened? What did they do? How did the girl leave the room? At least in PA we pretty much saw it all.
