Question (Spoiler Alert)

Ok, so in the beginning of the movie, you hear Thomas say "my sister's dead", AND you hear him say "my mom is dead". Did anybody else catch that mistake, or am I just hearing things?

We all know his mom killed herself when she heard her kids were dead, so...yeah.

Also, why would the demon only want Samantha? She didn't do anything to conjure that spirit. Is it just evil? Then, why didn't it kill Thomas? And why did Thomas hide his face the whole movie? There are just some weird things going on. Not that it's a completely horrible movie, it's just that some things were screwy.


The 'who is dead and when' thing has been discussed a good bit here, and is listed as a Goof on the Goofs page up here.

As for why the demon chased Samantha, I can only surmise its because it wanted her. The demon is indeed just evil. It pretended to be their dad to both get them to keep communicating with it, and to play a game.
This is likely the same reason as to why it didn't kill Thomas. It wanted him to suffer, for its own reasons but also probably because Thomas taunted and fought the demon.

The hide-the-face thing puzzled me too! I found it annoying even, but maybe its just to add to the 'mystery' and unknown quality of the film. Like how we never see the demon either.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Well, you don't see the demon in the PA franchise either. I guess not until the 4th which I haven't seen yet. The thing is, they wanted to make this realistic like all the other "found footage" type movies, and there were some bad plot holes.

I guess I should have looked at some of the other posts about the first question, but you have to admit, it's a kinda huge plot hole.
