Any Good?

Was out most of weekend and forgot this was on,trailer looked good, did it live up to the trailer?


I watched it for Jessica Brown Findlay. I'd say it was "ok". A solid 7. Not sure how many episodes it's gonna be.




So are most of your opinions!


Just watched the first episode. I thought it was very well done. Solid 8. My problem so far is the older Lewis is just a little too dead gets draggy at times. The actor gives a strong performance. It's probably more a matter of directing than anything.

The shift from the restrained but reasonably upbeat tone of the first half hour to the bleakness of the rest worked for me because the drowning scene set the stage for the fallout very well. That was just horrifying....but the still surface of the pond as Lewis looked on in growing fear was just as powerful as the scenes of him trying to pull her out of the water.

My favorite performance was from Greg Wise. The rest were very good as well. I am a big fan of JBF but thought she got off to a bit of a slow start as Alice. She got much stronger as the episode went on though. The scene where she was crying in the bathroom was so she had to just get up and go about as though nothing had happened. Powerful in a quiet way.

That scene almost brought me to tears. That, the part where the a-hole father hit Kit and of course where the mother died.

I am really looking forward to next week. It seems like Lewis and Alice are developing a bond, maybe. I noticed something weird: the woman who deflowered him looked a bit like an older and less attractive Alice. The morning after she was sitting in front of the mirror in her slip....then we cut to the scene with Alice sitting in front of a mirror in her slip. Weird.

People bleeding seems to be a motif. They bleed and try to hide it and pretend it's not happening.


I'd say give it a go and watch it on iplayer if you have the chance. It's only three hours in total, so it's not like a 12 part series you're investing in if you end up not liking it. I'd give it 8/10.

~ I hardly looked at his face. His knees were what I wished to see. ~
