Season 6 DVD

Where is it already ??


I've been wondering the same thing. I figured they would've come out with a box set of the whole series by now. What's to be gained by waiting?


the show doesn't air here so DVD was my way if seeing it ! i really wanna see the last season


I figured they would've come out with a box set of the whole series by now.

That may be one reason season 6 hasn't come out on DVD yet. They're probably working on putting together a Complete Series Set and they'll release that and Season 6 at the same time.

I've noticed with a lot of shows they don't put the final season out on the same schedule as they did the previous ones. When a show is still running they try to get the previous season out just before the next season begins airing, but with the show ended they feel they don't have to hurry to get the final season released because they aren't up against the clock of when the next season starts.

(knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny


I've noticed TVLAND hasn't been releasing its shows on DVD anymore (the exes, last season of HIC, younger) what's going on with that?
